Project SDK update

There are two ways to update the SDK version with breaking changes management : by using the release note or by using the Javadoc.

Using the release note

This method involves going directly to the target version and rectify all associated issues.

  • Increment the SDK version in the POM
  • Read all the intermediate release notes and adapt the code for all the breaking changes
  • If nothing was missed, the build should work immediately

Using the Javadoc

This method involves going through all the intermediate versions to make corrections as you go.

Until the destination version is reached:

  • Increment the SDK version in the POM by one minor (or to the next major if it is the last minor of this version)
  • In the code, for each deprecated class/function call, read the associated Javadoc
  • If the documentation specifies the “forRemoval = true” option, this portion of code will no longer work in next major, it must be replaced using the specified alternative
  • If a class/function no longer exists at build time, a depreciation was missed, return to the previous version of the SDK to obtain its documentation