GED DM indexation

We will present here a simple example of indexing a Process Document Management SQL database.


Indexing class


Custom Tags « system »

CustomTag Description Type
ID text
IDVERSION Identifier of the version number
IDFORM Identifier of the document type number
TITLE Version Title text
VERSION Version Index text
ISPUBLIC Is the version public? (true,false) text
OFFICIAL Document owner (Display name) text
OFFICIALLOGIN Document owner (Login) text
OPERATORS Current operators (Display name) text
OPERATORSLOGINS Current Operators (Login) text
FILENAME Name of the file contained in the indexed version text
CURRENTSTEP Current step text
TYPNAME Document type text
HYPERLINKVERSION Link to the index card of the indexed version.
Note: the system tag “HYPERLINK” points to the file attached to the version.
IDFILE Attachment associated with the indexed version file
DATA Multiple values.
Data associated with the indexed version (tree tag)
FOLDER Folder associated with the indexed version text
DOWNLINKS Multiple values.
Downstream links (links to attachments of linked versions)
DOWNLINKS Multiple values.
Upstream links (links to attached files of linked versions)
READACL This tag is useful if you want to manage security in your indexing; the security extension class (shown below) uses this tag to manage read access to versions text
ISPUBLIC This tag is useful if you want to manage security in your indexing; the security extension class (shown below) uses this tag to manage read access to versions boolean
DELAYED This tag indicates whether the version is overdue for processing or not. boolean
TYPSTEP This tag indicates the type of step text
STARTAPPLI This tag indicates the start date of applicability text
ENDAPPLI This tag indicates the end date of applicability text

Required input parameters

Parameter Name Description
WEBSERVER_NAME Name of database server
DB_GUID ID of the database
DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME Type(s) of document to index
APPLICABLE_FILTER Filter applicable versions (true / false)
TEMPORARY_FOLDER_NAME Temporary folder to use for this indexing

An example of XML configuration

Here is a possible XML configuration:

    <index name="DMLVLIndex"
           locales="fr" >

            <parameter key="WEBSERVER_NAME" value="gdoc" />
            <parameter key="DB_GUID" value="{0281D671-1C69-400C-AD3E-16DCFEB70AF6}" />
            <parameter key="DATABASE_NAME_PORTAL_INDEX" value="VDocOpen" />
            <parameter key="DOCUMENT_TYPE_NAME" value="Document LVL" />
            <parameter key="APPLICABLE_FILTER" value="true" />
            <parameter key="FILE_FILTER" value="both" />

        <!-- System Custom tags -->
        <customtag name="FOLDER" type="text" />
        <customtag name="TITLE" type="text" />
        <customtag name="TYPNAME" type="text" />
        <customtag name="DOCNAME" type="text" />
        <customtag name="IDFILE" type="file" />
        <customtag name="REFERENCE" type="text" />
        <customtag name="VERSION" type="text" />
        <customtag name="CREATIONDATE" type="date" />
        <customtag name="FILES" type="file" />

        <customtag name="VDOC_LISTE_PROCESSUS" type="text" />
        <customtag name="VDOC_LISTE_NATURE_DU_DOCUMENT" type="text" />
        <customtag name="VDOC_LISTE_TH_ME" type="text" />
        <customtag name="VDOC_LISTE_SOUS_TH_ME" type="text" />
        <customtag name="VDOC_LISTE_MOTS_CL_S" type="text" />


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