
The SDK API integrates a module of sites management that lets handle, directly from the extensions, the sites elements.

This layer simplifies the realization of tasks such as:

  • the creation of sites,categories,pages,alias;
  • the construction of pages;
  • the security management.

Some definitions


On sites module using, several elements are implemented in the Visiativ Process base. From these elements we will keep the following:

  • ISite: site ;
  • ITopic: category containing pages,alias or sub-categories;
  • IPageContainer: page integrating several versions (draft or approved versions);
  • ISharedBlockContainer: shared block ;
  • IBlockTemplateContainer: blocks template ;
  • IContent: page version. This one contains a root block that,contains itself components and sub-blocks.
  • IBlock: part of a page containing components or sub-blocks.
  • IComponent: unit element that may be added to a block.

Diagram of elements classes

This classes diagram represents the main relations that exist between every classe of the site management system.

diagram element classes diagram element classes

Table of elements correspondence

Functional term Technical term SDK term Native term Description
Website Website ISite SiteImpl Element constituting a website
Category, folder Topic ITopic FolderImpl Element grouping pages,sub-categories,alias…
Page Page IPageContainer PageImpl Element constituting a page
Shared block Shared block ISharedBlockContainer CommonBlockImp Element constituting a shared block.
Block template Block template IBlockTemplateContainer TemplateImpl Element that may be re-used and configured inside several blocks or pages.
Contents of a page Content IContent ContentVersionImpl Element constituting a specific version of a page (ex.draft)
Block Block IBlock ContentVersionImpl Element composed of components and sub-blocks.
Component, element Component IComponent ElementImpl Unit element that may be added inside a block.