Section provider

Notion of scope

A “section provider” class of a plugin enables to define its execution scope. This class enables also to treat the dynamic aspect display of the properties present inside the scope tag of the plugin definition XML file.

Please remember that a scope can be defined from several properties.

    <section provider="com.vdocsoftware.<project>.plugins.<plugin>.SimpleSectionProvider">
            <field name="fldNavigationScope" 

To implement a section provider class, you just have to branch off the BaseSectionProvider class. This class must be defined in the plugin definition XML file (plugin.xml).

The full name of the class is: com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.providers.BaseSectionProvider.

Method of the BaseSectionProvider base class

This base class recovers the provider base classes concepts: BaseFormProvider, BaseSheetProvider, BaseWizardProvider. It gives access to the site and workflow modules, provides methods to access the information assigned to the current section. And it enables to manipulate the document assigned to the properties and to the graphical component representing the properties’ edition form (CtlSection).

public abstract class BaseSectionProvider {
	// initialization methods
	public boolean prepareData()
	public void activate()
	public boolean load( AbstractField value, Element element )
	// modules accessors
	final protected IWorkflowModule getWorkflowModule()
	final protected ISiteModule getSiteModule()
	// context accessors
	final public IContext getLoggedOnContext()