
The file

Lucene configuration

Key Configuration Type
axvdocsearch.lucene.index.backups.count Maximum number of backup files per index Integer
axvdocsearch.lucene.index.backups.folder Default backup folder name Text (default value : backup )
axvdocsearch.lucene.index.backups.complete.enable true to enable backups on full indexations. Boolean
axvdocsearch.lucene.index.backups.incremental.enable true to enable backups on incremental indexations. Boolean
axvdocsearch.lucene.index.backups.unit.enable true to enable backups on unit indexations. Boolean

Excel export configuration

To have Excel cells in real date or number format, you must leave these configuration keys empty. Otherwise you will have cells in text format.

Key Configuration Type Date format for excel exports Text Date format in Java
axvdocsearch.xls.decimal.format Date format for excel exports Text Number format in Java

Administration of Lucene indexes

The Xtended Search tool comes standard with a Lucene indexer. Thus, it manipulates Lucene indexes and therefore stores these indexes on disk.

Indexes storage

By default, index folders are placed under your “contentstore” Process folder, in “contentstore/index”.

If you provide a relative path in the indexing XML files, you will therefore automatically be placed under this folder; however, you are completely free to set an absolute path in the XML.

Indexation executions

The indexings performed by Xtended Search, whether they come from an indexing agent or other, are managed centrally.

Xtended Search therefore guarantees that an index cannot be altered by two simultaneous requests; the requests will necessarily be chained: at a time T, there is only one modification of an index.

Automatic backups

Since Xtended-Search1.4.4a

We manage a system of automatic backups on the indexes.

Each time the index is altered (whether it is a complete, incremental or unit indexing) a duplication of the index is carried out before indexing.

This guarantees that we can keep the previous states of the indexes before alteration.

Storage of backups

Backups are by default stored in the folder configured in your XML index.

If I put in my index XML a path: indexStorePath=vdocsearch/MyIndex

So I would find a folder: vdocsearch/MyIndex/backups

Structure of this backup folder :


Indeed, the backups will be separated according to the indexing mode (full, incremental or unitary); in each folder, a new backup folder will be created each time the index is altered.

By default, only full backups are enabled.

An XML configuration with a “backup” node under “index” can possibly modify this configuration.


An option, detailed in the next paragraph, allows you to redirect the storage of these backups to another folder, completely separate from Process.

Backup configuration

Separate storage folder

In the “” file, you can define the following key, which allows you to redirect the storage of backups to another folder.

By default, the storage respects the rules presented in the previous chapter.


Number of backups kept

As a new backup folder is created with each index corruption, we have to worry about “cleaning up” old backups.

We therefore manage a maximum number of backups per type of indexing (full, incremental or unitary). By default, the configured number is 5.

This number can be overloaded with the following key: axvdocsearch.lucene.index.backups.count=20

We can therefore manage N backups per type of indexing; Thus, if I have more than 20 incremental indexes during the day, I will not lose the complete backups made, for example once a night, for all that.

Obviously, backups exceeding this number will be deleted, starting with the oldest.

Restore a backup


It is strongly recommended to restore an index by having previously turned off Process. A “hot” restore is not impossible but not recommended if a lot of users manipulate searchs; it is indeed very likely to be confronted with locked files.

If you need to restore a backup, you can recover from the backup folder:

  • the file “[…].vdc” : can be copy to the folder “vdocsearch/MyIndex”
  • Lucene files :
    • First delete the files in the folder “vdocsearch/MyIndex/[Langue]”
    • Copy the Lucene files from the backup as a replacement
    • Remark : don’t be surprised if your backup includes less files than the original; Lucene reorganizes the files at the time of the backup, which therefore causes a reduction in the number of files.

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