Extension class

Process lets you declare extensions that will be called when an internal resource (or a linked process) is created.

The interest of such an extension class is to enable treatments on the linked element fields by accessing to the parent document.

To create a link extension class, create a Java class that implements the basic class named : com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.link.extensions.BaseLinkExtension.

For the deployed class to be called, you just have to define it on the form containing the table.

Methods of the BaseLinkExtension class

public abstract class BaseLinkExtension implements ILinkExtension {
	// helper method
	protected IWorkflowModule getWorkflowModule();
	// method to implement
	public abstract boolean onCreate( IWorkflowInstance workflowInstance, IResource resource );

Code extract of the CopyLinkExtension class

This example shows the copying of the main document value to a dynamic table field.

public class CopyLinkExtension extends BaseLinkExtension {
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 4291330280452507689L;

	public boolean onCreate( IWorkflowInstance workflowInstance, IResource resource ) {
			// assignment of the value of the "Comments2" field with the value of the field "Comments" of the parent document
			resource.setValue( "Commentaires2", workflowInstance.getValue( "Commentaires" ) );

			return true;