Configuration framework

The goal is to add visual settings easily in the Process standard screens. These sections will be inserted in the settings tab.

Settings tab Settings tab

The current users settings will now be in the “Advanced” sub-tab.

Advanced settings tab Advanced settings tab

Settings scope

Configuration settings can be managed to following levels:

  • Server: Administration -> Server -> Configuration -> Configuration - SERVER_CONFIGURATION
  • Projects: Studio -> Project -> Properties
  • Group of processes: Studio -> Project -> Group of processes -> Properties
  • Data universe: Studio -> Project -> Data stockroom -> Properties

Configuration definition

The idea is to set .xml files in the configuration folder custom/configuration (that also contains properties), so that the properties and XML will operate all together.

The XML file will be linked to Editor java classes so that you can manipulate setting parameters.

XML definition

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <tab name="Tab1" label="Tab1 label" scope="The Scope for Tab1">
        <class qualifiedName="com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.configuration.base.BaseConfigurationEditor_DerivedClass1" />
        <section name="Section1" label="Section1 label" >
                <field name="Field1" label="Field1 Label" ctrl="text" />
                <field name="Field2" label="Field2 Label" ctrl="text" />

        <section name="Section2" label="Section2 label" >
                <field name="Field3" label="Field3 Label" ctrl="text" />
            <customElement1 attribute1="attributeValue1" attribute2="attributeValue2" />
            <customElement2 attribute1="attributeValue1" attribute2="attributeValue2" />
    <tab name="Tab2" label="Tab2 label" scope="The Scope for Tab2" >
        <class qualifiedName="com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.configuration.base.BaseConfigurationEditor_DerivedClass2" />
        <section name="Section" label="Section label" >
                <field name="Field4" label="Field4 label" ctrl="text" />

Tags description

Element Attribute Description
configuration The root tag containing all other elements
tab Define a new tab that will include sections and fields. You can define as many tabs as you wish.
name The tab name.
label Displayed tab label.
scope Specifies where the tab will be displayed. The scope attribute can take the following values:
  • server: Server property
  • project: Projects property
  • process-catalog: Group of processes
  • storage-catalog: Data universe.
class A class that implement a BaseConfigurationEditor. It will be associated with the corresponding parent tab.
qualifiedName The class name of the implemented BaseConfigurationEditor for the corresponding tab.
section Define a section inside the corresponding tab. The fields are included in the section tag. It can be defined many time.
name Section name.
label Displayed section label.
description Information about the section label.
fields Container of field elements
custom You can define your own elements and attributes for your personal usage.

Editor class definition

An editor class is a Java class that allows developers to produce dynamic behaviors on the configuration properties (XML definition file). An editor class must extend the com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.configuration.base.BaseConfigurationEditor class.

The editor class works in the same way as the document or resource extensions.

Methods description

You can override the following standard methods:

Method Description
init() Called at the instantiation time.
onBeforeLoad() Called just before the screen is loaded on the server side.
onAfterLoad() Called just after the screen is loaded on the server side.
onBeforeSave() Called just before saving the settings.
onAfterSave() Called just after saving the settings.
validate() Allows to validate the configuration.

Implementing a BaseConfigurationEditor class

package com.axemble.vdoc.configuration;

import com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.configuration.base.BaseConfigurationEditor;

public class ImplementationExample extends BaseConfigurationEditor {

    public ImplementationExample() {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public void init() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    public boolean onBeforeLoad() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return super.onBeforeLoad();

    public boolean onAfterLoad() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return super.onAfterLoad();

    public boolean onBeforeSave() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return super.onBeforeSave();

    public boolean onAfterSave() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return super.onAfterSave();

    public boolean validate() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return super.validate();