Import project


This extension will import a project : it can create a new project or update an existing one.

Packaging task configuration

<extension name="com.axemble.vdoc.update.project.ImportProjectExtension" critical="true">
	<param name="file" value=""/>
	<param name="organization" value="DefaultOrganization"/>
	<param name="project" value="ProjectName"/>
	<param name="deleteOldDefinition" value="true"/>
	<param name="createOnly" value="false"/>
Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
file true Name of the application archive (file must be in the custom/resources folder)
project false Name of the project to import
organization false Organization’s name of the project to import
catalogs false To filter import on catalogs by name. Multiple values must be separated by “,” (Exemple : “CatalogName1,CatalogName2”)
deleteProject false false If set to true and if a project is found with name equals to the “project” parameter, delete the existing project before importing it back with the given application
deleteOldDefinition false false If set to true and if a project is found with name equals to the “project” parameter, old project definition is deleted (to forget its last status, for the next import)
createOnly false false If set to “true”, only the created properties (fields, views, process versions, …) will be imported (if an existing property has been modified, the modification will not be imported)
Since Process18.0.0
Warning : if the property is a field, it won’t be linked to the workflow version (so it won’t appear in the fields list at first). It can still be seen in the catalog’s field list.