RestFull API


All API can be accessed over HTTP and HTTPS but it’s highly recommended to use it over HTTPS.

Server configuration

To be able to call apis you must authorise the ip from which you are calling. (As mentioned in documentation “Guide administration- Process”)
Add the following keys in Administration/server/parameters :

  • (Allow call to rest api)
  • (Allow sysadmin to connect from this ip)

Content type

All data is sent and received as JSON.

Request Accept header must be application/json and response Content-Type header is always application/json; charset=utf-8

In POST query blank fields are included as null instead of being omitted.

All timestamps request and response use ISO 8601 format : yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ

Ref representations

When you fetch object with link to another object, the link including a subset of attributes for the resource. This is the “Ref” representation of the object. (Some attributes are computationally expensive for the API to provide. For performance reasons, the Ref representation excludes those attributes. To obtain those attributes, fetch the “detailed” representation.)

Example: When you get a user, you get the ref representation of the linked organization.

HTTP verbs

Where possible, API strives to use appropriate HTTP verbs for each action.

Verb Description
GET Used for retrieving resources.
POST Used for creating resources.
PUT Used for replacing resources.
DELETE Used for deleting resources.
PATCH Used for update partial modifications resources.

PATCH request

PATCH request follow the RFC6902

Content type

PATCH Request Accept header must be application/json-patch+json

Document Structure

JSON Patch defines a JSON document structure for expressing a sequence of operations to apply to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document; it is suitable for use with the HTTP PATCH method. The “application/json-patch+json” media type is used to identify such patch documents.


Requests that return multiple items will be paginated to 50 items on the first page by default, with a maximum up to 500 items per page. You can specify further pages with the ?range parameter, ?range=startNumberItem-itemPerPage


Get the 25 first items : http://server.tld/webapp/endpoint/url?range=0-25

Get from the 26th to the 50th items : http://server.tld/webapp/endpoint/url?range=25-25

Get from the 51th to the 75th items : http://server.tld/webapp/endpoint/url?range=50-25


Requests that return multiple items will can be sort. You can specify the attribute name for ascending sort with the ?sorter parameter, prefix the attribute name with a - for a descending sort.


Descending sort on name attribute : http://server.tld/webapp/endpoint/url?sorter=-name


Requests that return multiple items that can be filtered. You can specify multiple ?filters parameter, with the format : ?filters=attributeName:operator:value

Available operators

Operator Description
eq Equals
neq Not equals
gt Greater than
gte Greater or equals
lt Lesser than
lte Lesser or equals
starts String Starts with
ends String Ends with
Operator Description
eq Equals
neq Not equals
gt Greater than
gte Greater or equals
lt Lesser than
lte Lesser or equals
starts String Starts with
ends String Ends with
contains Since Process17.2.1
String contains
notcontains Since Process17.2.1
String not contains
Operator Description
eq Equals
neq Not equals
gt Greater than
gte Greater or equals
lt Lesser than
lte Lesser or equals
starts String Starts with
ends String Ends with
contains String contains
notcontains String not contains
isempty Since Process18.1
Field is empty
Warning : filter has no “value” attribute (format ?filters=attributeName:isempty)
isnotempty Since Process18.1
Field is not empty
Warning : filter has no “value” attribute (format ?filters=attributeName:isnotempty)

Filters mode

If multiple filters are specified, you can choose the mode to execute them with the format : ?filterMode=value

Mode Description
and Only resources that match all filters are returned (default)
or Resources must match at least one filter to be returned

View response mode

You can choose the response mode when executing a view with the format : ?responseMode=mode

Not available

Since Process17.2.1
Apply only to lists

Mode Description
machine “machine” values will be returned (id or object)
user displayable values will be returned (label)

Apply only to lists

Mode Description
machine “machine” values will be returned (id or object)
user displayable values will be returned (label)

Errors by status code

Code Description
400 Bad input parameter. The response body is a ValidationError or a PasswordError.
401 Bad or invalid authentication.
403 The user account doesn’t have access to this endpoint or resource.
409 Endpoint-specific error. Look to the Error response body for the specifics of the error.
5xx An error occurred on the server.


The following table describes the top-level JSON object attributes present in the body of 409 responses.

Key Description
code (optional) A value that conforms to the error data type schema defined in the definition of each route.
message A string that summarizes the error.
  "code": 409,
  "message": "error message summary"


The following table describes the top-level JSON object attributes present in the body of 400 responses.

This extends Error

Key Description
fields Description of not valid fields.
	"code": 400,
	"message": "",
	"fields": [
			"name": "id",
			"message": "is not a number"


The following table describes the top-level JSON object attributes present in the body of mismatched password complexity error.

This extends Error

Key Description
errors Password validity error code.
code Description
length To short password
lowercase at least 1 lower case character
uppercase at least 1 upper case character
number at least 1 digit
special-char at least 1 non alphanumeric character (for example $ # %)
history The password already exist in the user history
	"code": 400,
	"message": "Invalid password",
	"errors": [


MoovApps external authentication

You can authenticate through MoovApps external authentication.

Generate authentication token

  • Request
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"login":"username","password":"pwd"}' \
  • Response
	"token": "generated-token",
	"expiration": "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ"

Call API endpoint with X-AUTHENTICATION-KEY header

During the time to live of the token you can call API endpoint with X-AUTHENTICATION-KEY header.

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-AUTHENTICATION-KEY: generated-token" \