Create agent


This extension creates an agent.

Since Process2024.0.0, the agent may be randomly scheduled.

Packaging task configuration

<extension name="com.axemble.vdoc.update.CreateAgentExtension" critical="true">
	<param name="agentTemplate" value="template"/>
	<param name="agentName" value="name"/>
	<param name="agentLabel" value="label"/>
	<param name="maxReport" value="5" />
	<param name="startNow" value="true"/>
	<param name="isScheduled" value="true"/>
	<param name="periodicity" value="month|week|day|hour|minute"/>
	<param name="every" value="1"/>
	<param name="startDay" value="[1-7]" />
	<param name="startTime" value="00:00" />
	<param name="randomScheduled" value="true" />
	<param name="randomStart" value="00:00" /> 
	<param name="randomEnd" value="00:00" />
Parameter Mandatory Default value Description
agentTemplate true The template name. If multiple agent are created at the same time, they MUST have different template names.
agentName false The agent name.
agentLabel false The agent label.
maxReport false 5 The maximum number of reports keeps in the history view.
startNow false false True to automatically start the agent after creation.
isScheduled false false True if the agent is scheduled.
periodicity false (true if isScheduled is true) Scheduled periodicity, the possible values are : minute, hour, day, week or month.
every false (true if isScheduled is true) The periodicity scheduled : if ‘periodicity’ is set to ‘hour’ and ’every’ is set to ‘2’, the agent will start every 2 hours.
startDay false The next day to start the agent (if it is created on monday, and ‘startDay’ is set to ‘3’ (wednesday), the agent will start for the first time 2 days after its creation. Possible values are : 1 to 7 (monday to sunday).
startTime false The next time to start the agent. Accepted format are HH:mm or H:mm.
Ignored if randomScheduled is true.
randomScheduled false false True to randomly choose a time to schedule the agent.
randomStart false 00:00 Beginning of the time interval to randomly choose a time to schedule the agent. Accepted format are HH:mm or H:mm.
randomEnd false 23:59 End of the time interval to randomly choose a time to schedule the agent. Accepted format are HH:mm or H:mm.


<extension name="com.axemble.vdoc.update.CreateAgentExtension" critical="true">
	<param name="agentTemplate" value="IndexJob"/>
	<param name="agentName" value="IndexFullWorkplace"/>
	<param name="agentLabel" value="Workplace - Xtended Search FULL indexation"/>
	<param name="startNow" value="true"/>
	<param name="isScheduled" value="true"/>
	<param name="periodicity" value="hour"/>
	<param name="every" value="1"/>