Directory indexing

We will present here a simple example of indexing users and directory locations.

Indexing of users


Indexing class


Custom Tags « systems »

CustomTag Description Type
ID text
PHOTO Http link to the user’s photo specified in the directory text
ORGANIZATION.ID User’s organization identifier text
ORGANIZATION.NAME Name of the user’s organization text
ORGANIZATION.PATH Path of user’s organization text (tree)
LOCALIZATION.ID User location identifier (if present) text
LOCALIZATION.NAME Name of the user’s location (if present) text
LOCALIZATION.PATH Path of the user’s location (if present) text (tree)

List of supported values in customtags (case sensitive):

Attribute name Description Type
ActivationDate Account activation date date
Address1 Address text
Address2 Address (continued) text
Birthday Date of Birth date
City City text
ContractType Type of Contract text
Country Province/Country text
Email Email text
EmployeeNumber Employee Number text
Entry Date of Entry date
Exit Date of departure date
Expiration Account Expiration Date date
FaxNumber Fax text
Language Language of User text
LastName Name text
LastVisit Date of last visit date
Login Login of user text
MobilePhoneNumber Mobile text
PhoneNumber Home Phone text
Sex Sex text
Skin Skin text
SocialCategory Occupational Category text
TimeZone Timezone text
Title Title text
UserFunction Function text
Zipcode Postal Code text

Required input parameters

Parameter Name Description
CONTEXT_LOGIN Login used to browse data to be indexed
ORGANIZATION_NAME Name of an organization to filter the users to be indexed
ORGANIZATION_NAME_WITH_CHILDREN Organization name to take members of the organization and its child organizations (available from version 5.6.8 onwards)
GROUP_NAME Name of a group to filter the users to be indexed.
Note: If the group filter is enabled, you must also pass the “organization name” attached to that group.

An example of XML configuration

In this example we index all the users.

Here is a possible XML configuration:

    <index name="caseBaseDirectoryUserIndexExtension"
           locales="fr" >

            <parameter key="CONTEXT_LOGIN" value="sysadmin" />
            <parameter key="ORGANIZATION_NAME" value="" />
            <parameter key="GROUP_NAME" value="" />

        <customtag name="login" type="text" />
        <customtag name="Email" type="text" />
        <customtag name="LastName" type="text" />
        <customtag name="FirstName" type="text" />
        <customtag name="directline" type="text" />

        <customtag name="ORGANIZATION.NAME" type="text" />
        <customtag name="ORGANIZATION.LABEL" type="text" />
        <customtag name="LOCALIZATION.NAME" type="text" />
        <customtag name="LOCALIZATION.LABEL" type="text" />

Note on locations: extended attributes can be indexed

Indexing of locations


Indexing class


Required input parameters

Parameter Name Description
CONTEXT_LOGIN Login used to browse data to be indexed
PARENT_LOCALIZATION_NAME Name of a parent location to filter the locations to be indexed

An example of XML configuration

In this example we index all the locations.

Here is a possible XML configuration:

<index name="IndexAllLocalization"
       locales="fr" >

        <parameter key="CONTEXT_LOGIN" value="sysadmin" />

    <customtag name="extendedAttribute" type="text" />
    <customtag name="label" type="text" />

Note on locations:

  • We can index extended attributes.
  • It is possible to index the getter of the object ILocalization (only one level of introspection) for “getLabel()” we will use “label” as customtag.

Sources :