Companies would like to include their information system when they automate their processes. In fact, strategic information generally resides in the extremely heteroclite back-office job systems.
Process uses both extensions and back-office execution scripts to let companies associated these disparate systems with the processes to automate and optimise their performances and productivity.
The Process system offers the following Java extension types:
- extension on transaction;
- modules and authentication extensions;
- the JavaScript code openings.
The portal module for programming tasks
The following code shows how to initialize and release the portal API.
import com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.Modules;
import com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.exceptions.SDKException;
import com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.modules.IPortalModule;
import com.axemble.vdp.utils.Logger;
public class GeneralClass {
protected final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( GeneralClass.class );
public void generalUseModule() {
IPortalModule portalModule = Modules.getPortalModule();
try {
// code here...
} catch( Exception e ) {
throw new SDKException( e );
} finally {
Modules.releaseModule( portalModule );