
The Process development kit provides a Framework for connecting and linking documents to external systems such as applications, directories and databases. This Connectors Framework is very similar to both components and plug-in frameworks. It provides a Java-based plug-in model for connectors. It also provides a web-based user interface that allows connectors to be configured, and small units of process to be declared and executed.

To speed time to market and reduce costs for developers, this Framework includes a complete API, libraries and samples that illustrate reference implementation for successful custom connectors:

  • Unified architecture for multiple connectors
  • Integrated Web UI for connection and treatment configuration

This topic provides information about Process development kit and how you can create custom connectors to enhance your documents.

What is a connector ?

A connector is a small unit of process which connects Process platform documents to any external system. In order to run a connector several operations should be done:

  • deploy definition files and Java libraries on the Process Platform
  • create a secured connection
  • associate the connector to the application entry points
  • test the connector while using documents


treatment connector overview treatment connector overview

Types of connectors

Functionally two types of connectors:

  • generic connectors: they meet both standards or protocols: JDBC, EAI, XML, SOAP, ODBC, HTTP, FTP, LDAP, CMIS
  • application connectors: they respond to functional requirements: SAP, Movex, Lotus, Exchange

Connectors framework

The connectors’ framework is composed of two sub-frameworks:

  • Connection framework for building connections to external systems.
    • Connections
  • Connector framework for building either treatment or service connectors.
    • Treatment connectors: building treatments within the diagram.
    • Service connectors: building executing units to link to runtime events.