Update user

Update user


This extension updates a user based on the parameters.

Packaging task configuration

<extension name="com.axemble.vdoc.update.directory.UpdateUserExtension" critical="true">
	<param name="login" value="login"/>
	<param name="propertyName" value="propertyName"/>
	<param name="propertyValue" value="propertyValue"/>
Parameter Mandatory Description
login true The login of the user to update
propertyName true The name of the property to update
propertyValue true The value of the property to update


<extension name="com.axemble.vdoc.update.directory.UpdateUserExtension" critical="true">
	<param name="login" value="toto"/>
	<param name="propertyName" value="email"/>
	<param name="propertyValue" value="tot@upmail.com"/>

Modify password


This extension updates a user’s password.

Packaging task configuration

<extension name="com.axemble.vdoc.update.ModifyPasswordExtension" critical="true">
	<param name="login" value="login"/>
	<param name="password" value="newPassword"/>
	<param name="encrypted" value="newPasswordEncrypted"/>
Parameter Mandatory Description
login true The login of the user to update
password false (true if encrypted is not set) The new password
encrypted false (true if password is not set) The new encrypted password

If both password and encrypted are set, only password will be used.