Customizable fields

To add a customizable field to the process:

  1. In the Forms Designer, drag-and-drop a Customizable field in a table ;
  2. Select the field to assign to the graphical control.
  3. In the properties panel, enter the configuration needed in the “Graphic control class” zones.

custom fields custom fields

Existing fields

The following sections present the different types of customizable fields deployed and supported by Process.

Document fields

Name Class Attributes Description
Table of linked documents treatmenttable catalogname=“APPLICATION_NAME”
Table of documents linked instances of the PROCESS_NAME process of the APPLICATION_NAME application
Group of checkboxes checkboxgroup fillingmode=“vertical”
This field type applies to multiple selection list-type fields The parameter ‘fillingmode’ can have the vertical or horizontal values. This parameter indicates the filling way of tickboxes group. The second parameter ‘nbofcolumns’ corresponds the the number of columns wanted. ‘allowreset’ and ‘allowselectall’ respectively enables to select and deselect every elements.
Radio button group radiogroup fillingmode=“vertical”
This field type applies to multiple selection list-type fields The “fillingmode” parameter can take the values vertical or horizontal. This parameter indicates the filling way of tickboxes group. The second parameter ‘nbofcolumns’ corresponds the the number of columns wanted. The parameter ‘allowreset’ enables to empty the selection.

Auto-complete list for a high data volume

Name Class Field type Description
Auto-complete list ajaxSingleSelector Text Automatically filters a data list based on what was typed and lets you select an item only.
Multiple auto-complete list ajaxMultipleSelector Text Automatically filters a list of data based on what was typed and lets you select multiple items.

Auto-complete list attributes

Attributes Description
listName The list name linked to the field.
protocolUri The URI Protocol of the list linked to the field.
minSearchCharacters Minimum number of characters before launching the search.
filterColumn The column used to make or apply the filter.
isVisibleOpener Displays the navigation button in the field (false by default).
maxFilteredItems Maximum number of items returned by the filter.
minItemsToSelect Minimum number of items to be selected ( for multiple selector)
maxItemsToSelect Maximum number of items to be selected ( for multiple selector)

Single selector for directory

Name Class Attributes Description
Person selector user_browser Simple user selector
Group selector group_browser Simple group selector
Organization selector organization_browser Simple organization selector
Localization selector localization_browser Simple localization selector
Entry selector in Document spaces com.axemble.vdp.ui.core.document.fields.SingleDirectoryField Single selector in FileCenter
Deprecated, use FileCenter selector instead.

Multiple selectors for directory

Name Class Attributes Description
Person selector user_browser_multiple Multiple user selector.
Note: equivalent of persons selector.
Group selector group_browser_multiple Multiple groups selector
Organization selector organization_browser_multiple Multiple organizations selector
Localization selector localization_browser_multiple Multiple localizations selector
Entry selector in Document spaces com.axemble.vdp.ui.core.document.fields.MultipleDirectoryField Multiple selector in FileCenter
Deprecated, use FileCenter selector instead.

FileCenter selector

Name Class Attributes
FileCenter selector selector screen=filecenterNode

FileCenter selector FileCenter selector

The associeted field type must be “Text (reference to an object)”.


Name Value Description
  • Document
  • Folder
  • Category
  • Datastore
Several can be indicated, separated by ‘;’
Type of object that can be selected (illustrations below).
multiple true or false Ability to select multiple objects (default to false).
datastoreids List of JDO identifiers separated by ‘;’ List of spaces in which the selector can search (by default all).
To find the JDO identifier of a space :
  • Go to the administration of a documentary space
  • Right click on the green properties button
  • Copy related link
  • In the link, the JDO identifier corresponds to the “_selected” parameter
parent FileCenter or Folder (only in SDK) Root of the selector (by default the root of all spaces).
Should receive a datastore or folder JDO object (xxx.getNativeObject()) in SDK. This parameter can not be used in the graphical interface.


Here are examples with multiple selectors:

  • Documents: FileCenter document selector FileCenter document selector
  • Folders: FileCenter folder selector FileCenter folder selector
  • Categories: FileCenter category selector FileCenter category selector
  • Datastore: FileCenter datastore selector FileCenter datastore selector

Source :

JSP page selectors

Name Class Attributes Description
Example of JSP page selectors jspsample_browser This selector lets you make specific developments around documents in a JSP page. It integrates a configuration mechanism while starting the JSP page and a document updating system during its validation.

The FCK Editor field

Name Class Attributes Description
FCKEditor fckeditor toolbar=“Basic” This field integrates the FCK Editor component. It permits to benefit of the same options via a customization.
The toolbar attribute is optional. However, you may benefit of the standard toolbars. You just have to select one of the following entries: Default/ Basic/ Basic01/ Custom01/ Custom02

The EnhancedUrl field

Name Class Attributes Description
EnhancedUrl com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.document.fields.EnhancedUrlField title=“Visiativ Software”
description=“Editeur de logiciel”
This field enables to create a URL link by specifying the link title, the description and the opening settings. It is possible to make the data entry areas appear or not. Indeed, the following attributes may be used:
  • show-title : displays the title entry area
  • show-url : displays the URL entry area
  • show-description : displays the description entry area
  • show-params : displays the opening parameters entry area
This field is mainly used in the read mode. It is possible to fill this field by JavaScript subscription on a onAfterLoad event, for example:
script ![CDATA[
function onAfterLoad()
var url = iResourceController.getDefaultWidget( "fldURL" );
url.setTitle( "Visiativ Software" );
url.setUrl( "" );
url.setDescription( "Editeur de logiciel");
]] /script


The UI framework enables to create new fields that may be easily integrate in the process documents or generic screens.

To create a customizable field, you just have to create a Java class which extends the basic class named com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.document.fields.base.BaseField.

The following code delivers the required methods to implement in order to create a field class:

public class SimpleField extends BaseField {
    public void init(Element element) {

    public void updateControl() {

    public void updateValue() {

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return false;

    public IWritable render() throws RenderException {
        return new CtlButton("okButton", new CtlText("Bouton OK"));

The method init() receives as an argument the object org.w3c.dom.Element representing the fields XML description in the customization forms or the definition file screens.

The method updateControl() is called each time the field internal value is affected. The framework requests the implemented field to update depending on its value.

The method updateValue() is called each time the user modifies the values in the HTML document.

The method isEmpty() must be filled in by the implemented field. In the case of the field is set as compulsory and if this method returns the “true” value, the framework will indicate the field must be filled in.

The method render() is called by the framework to integrate the field graphical part in the HTML document. In the previous example, the graphical component displayed will be a button.

HTML templates definition

The customizable fields may be composite components of graphical elements suggested by the Process framework (using of Container widget). In this case, there is no need to define a HTML template.

However, in several cases, you will need to define several HTML templates functions of an internal state of the field ( example: write mode, read mode). The Process graphical interface framework has a “custom” folder to put the specific HTML templates: WEB-INF\storage\custom\controls. By delivering the HTML templates in the folder, it will be possible to reach them via the method getTemplateWriter().

Example of HTML template

In this example, a whole of tags surrounded by the « $ » symbol is displayed.

<input type="text" name="$id$" value="$label$">

Example of using an HTML template

This example shows how to bring a TemplateWriter object back from an HTML file (HTML template).

Once the TemplateWriter is brought back, it is possible to replace the $xxx$ tags by some IWritable-type elements thanks to the setEntry() method of the TemplateWriter class. It is also possible to bring a EntryWriter object back to log several elements of IWritable-type in one tag: using of the getEntryWriter() method in the TemplateWriter class.

public IWritable render() throws RenderException {
	if ( isHidden() ) {
	  return null;
	TemplateWriter tw = null;
	if ( this.isEditable() ) {
	  tw = this.getTemplateWriter( "CtlTextBox.edit.html" );
	  tw.setEntry( "id", new TemplateToken( this.getNavigator().registerWidget( this ) ) );
	  tw.setEntry( "label", new TemplateToken( HTMLUtils.getHTMLAttrString( this.textValue ) ) );
	  if ( checkErrorMessage() ) {
		tw.setEntry( "error-message", this.renderErrorMessage() );
	} else {
	  tw = this.getTemplateWriter( "" );
	  tw.setEntry( "label", new TemplateToken( HTMLUtils.getHTMLString( this.textValue ) ) );
	return tw;

Implementation of a customizable field dedicated to the process

A field dedicated to process document can just be used in the process document context. It can only be defined in a generic screen.

To implement such a field, you just have to create a Java class which extends the class named com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.document.fields.base.BaseWorkflowField.