Dynamic table indexing

Indexing a dynamic array is nothing more than indexing a resource array.


Indexing class


Methods to implement

Method Description
getContextLogin Login used to browse the data to be indexed
getOrganizationName System name of the organization attached to the project
getProjectName System name of the project
getCatalogName System name of the application
getCResourceDefinitionName Collection of the system names of the process versions to index
getResourceTableFieldName System name of the resource table to index

Custom Tags « system »

CustomTag Description
PARENTID Identifier of the parent document

Required input parameters

Parameter Name Description
CONTEXT_LOGIN Login used to browse the data to be indexed
ORGANIZATION_NAME System name of the organization attached to the project
PROJECT_NAME System name of the project (as of version 11)
CATALOG_NAME System name of the application (from version 11 onwards, it will be called “process group”)
RESOURCE_DEFINITION_NAME Collection of the system names of the process versions to be indexed (separated by “|”)
RESOURCE_TABLE_FIELD_NAME System name of the resource array to be indexed

The customtag tag

It allows to declare the fields (dynamic table in our case) to be indexed.

An example of a XML configuration

<index name="WorkFlowInstanceTableIndex"
       locales="fr" >

        <parameter key="CONTEXT_LOGIN" value="sysadmin" />
        <parameter key="ORGANIZATION_NAME" value="DefaultOrganization" />
        <parameter key="PROJECT_NAME" value="Administratif" />
        <parameter key="CATALOG_NAME" value="BPRSecretariat" />
        <parameter key="RESOURCE_DEFINITION_NAME" value="Achats_1.0" />
        <parameter key="RESOURCE_TABLE_FIELD_NAME" value="DetailDesAchats" />

    <customtag name="Libelle" type="text" />
    <customtag name="PUHT" type="number" />
    <customtag name="PUTotalHT" type="number" />
    <customtag name="Quantite" type="number" />
    <customtag name="QuantiteFacturee" type="number" />
    <customtag name="QuantiteLivree" type="number" />
    <customtag name="Remise" type="number" />
    <customtag name="ResteAFacturer" type="number" />
    <customtag name="ResteALivrer" type="number" />
    <customtag name="Reference" type="text" />


Source : https://wiki.myvdoc.net/xwiki/bin/view/Dev+Floor/VDPJProcessResourceTableIndexExtension