Extensions mapping

Mapping by Extension

Since WebExplorer4.0.0 you can choose witch strategy to use to preview a file, based on it’s extension.

Standard strategies

  • Office documents : converts office documents to pdf
  • Image : displays images directly in the browser without conversion
  • 3D documents : optional configuration, converts 3D files using TFT
  • “.url” files : shows a button to follow the link

Standard error/info messages

  • Unknown file (no extension) : info message and download button
  • Not handled extension : info message and download button
  • TFT optional configuration missing for 3D files : info message and download button
  • Every other unexpected exception : error message and download button

Add your own mapping

You can add you own mapping to handle more extensions. You’ll need to create a XML mapping file and a java class ( ConverterStrategy). The further examples will show how the standard image conversion strategy works.

XML configuration


Do not override the standard Webexplorer mapping file, you can specify a custom mapping for an existing extension in your custom mapping file, it will override the standard mapping.

Add a XML file in this folder (you can name it as you wish):

Since WebExplorer4.0.0 (Deprecated in 2024.1)

Since WebExplorer2024.1

Map each file extension with a java class extending AbstractConverterStrategy

    <!-- Images -->
    <mapping extension="png" strategy="com.vdoc.vdocwebexplorer.viewer.navigation.strategies.ImageConverterStrategy"/>
    <mapping extension="jpg" strategy="com.vdoc.vdocwebexplorer.viewer.navigation.strategies.ImageConverterStrategy"/>
    <mapping extension="jpeg" strategy="com.vdoc.vdocwebexplorer.viewer.navigation.strategies.ImageConverterStrategy"/>
    <mapping extension="bmp" strategy="com.vdoc.vdocwebexplorer.viewer.navigation.strategies.ImageConverterStrategy"/>
    <mapping extension="gif" strategy="com.vdoc.vdocwebexplorer.viewer.navigation.strategies.ImageConverterStrategy"/>

Converter strategy (java class)

This class is the standard class used to show images in viewer.

In the following example, no conversion is needed so <T> is Void, the only treatment needed is to build a widget to show the image. If you need to convert document, you have to create a Future Object. A loader will be displayed untill your conversion ends.

Since WebExplorer4.0.0 (Deprecated in 2024.1)

import com.vdoc.vdocwebexplorer.viewer.navigation.convertable.Convertable;
import com.vdoc.vdocwebexplorer.viewer.navigation.strategies.AbstractConverterStrategy;
import com.vdoc.vdocwebexplorer.viewer.navigation.strategies.ReadyFuture;

Since WebExplorer2024.1

import com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.interfaces.IViewerConvertable;
import com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.viewer.AbstractConverterStrategy;
import com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.viewer.ReadyFuture;
public class ImageConverterStrategy extends AbstractConverterStrategy<Void> {

     * Stores the Convertable item
    public ImageConverterStrategy(Convertable convertable) {

     * Called when opening document, must return a Future<T>, T representing the result type (String, File, Void ...)
    public Future<Void> start() {
        // ReadyFuture is used to inform that the render can directly be done
        return new ReadyFuture<>(null);

     * Final render used inside lightbox.
    public IWidget toWidget() {
        CtlImage image = new CtlImage(null);
        CtlDiv imageContainer = new CtlDiv();
        imageContainer.addAttribute("id", "image-viewer");
        return imageContainer;

     * Called when the conversion succeed
    public void onSuccess(Void result) {
        // nothing to do

     * Called when the conversion fails
    public void onException(Exception e) {
        // nothing to do

Display error/info messages using default render

If you want to show an error or info message with the download button underneath as the standard does, you can throw a GenericConversionException with a translation key :

Since WebExplorer4.0.0 (Deprecated in 2024.1)

import com.vdoc.vdocwebexplorer.viewer.navigation.exception.GenericConversionException;

throw new GenericConversionException("LG_VIEWER_NO_PREVIEW", e);

Since WebExplorer2024.1

import com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.exceptions.ViewerGenericConversionException;

throw new ViewerGenericConversionException("LG_VIEWER_NO_PREVIEW", e);

If you want to customize the error message, you can return you own widget in the toWidget method.