Using the VDOC_HOME property

The VDOC_HOME property is used by the maven plugins to locate the folder containing your instance. This folder will be used to deploy files.

Possibility of creating the VDOC_HOME variable with version 17.1 and earlier

  • windows environment variable
  • environment variable per intellij project
  • maven property per intellij project
  • file

The properties-maven-plugin takes in order of preference :

  1. maven property per intellij project
  2. environment variable per intellij project
  3. windows environment variable
  4. file

When using direct goal maven like the sass-watch the is not taken into account because it is only retrieved during the initialize phase

In practice, we quickly find ourselves with a VDOC_HOME environment variable and the files are no longer taken into account

To avoid confusion, we have decided to remove the use of files in the following versions

Possibility of creating the VDOC_HOME variable with version 17.2 and following

  • windows environment variable
  • environment variable per intellij project
  • maven property per intellij project

If you need the old properties file you can use the properties-maven-plugin by adding a profile in your pom

Example :
