Installation and migration

General installation documentation

Valid from version VDoc 11.

  • Stop the Process instance
  • Copy the contents of the “package/apps” folder to the “apps” folder at the root of your instance
  • Copy the contents of the “package/fix” folder into the “fix” folder at the root of your instance
  • Run the script “applyconfig.bat” (or
  • Restart the Process instance
  • Note: if you are concerned with indexing GED (Document Management) data sources, be sure to execute the SQL procedures in order in the “extra / Document Management” folder on your GED database.

Migration constraints

You had Xtended Search for a 2010 version and you are migrating to version 11 (or higher), this part concerns you.

Addition of the notion of “project”, new “application” in VDoc 11

In VDoc 11, we have a new notion of project. In this project, we can find tables of our data pools or workflows.

Thus, the indexing configurations of tables or workflows will be very slightly modified at the input configuration level.

In version 2010, we passed as input:

  • A catalog (application within the meaning of 2010)
  • A workflow / a table

From now on, we will have to switch to VDoc 11 as input:

  • A project
  • An organization (associated with this project)
  • A catalog (process group in the sense of VDoc 11)
  • A workflow / a table

So, here is a quick comparison of the XML for setting up an indexing of a workflow:

Xtended Search Installation Migration Xtended Search Installation Migration

The types of indexing impacted are therefore:

Full reindexation

It is strongly advised, following a change of version of Lucene, to move your indexes (backups) and to perform complete reindexes.

Migration constraints to version 5.0

No particular constraints.

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