Content and block


Recovering the page content

At any moment,you may recover the page content. To date, a page may contain two versions maximum:

  • approved version available for the website users;
  • draft version available for the page designer.

Eventually other versions will complete this list (ex.archived version).

The following example shows how to recover a specific version of a page.

public void page_getPageContent( ISiteModule siteModule, IContext context, ISite site ) throws SiteModuleException {
    IPageContainer pageContainer = siteModule.getPageContainer( context, site, "my-lovely-page" );

    // 1st case: recover the draft version of a page
    IContent draftContent = pageContainer.getContent( IContent.IStatus.DRAFT );

    // 1st case: recover the approved version of a page
    IContent approuvedContent = pageContainer.getContent( IContent.IStatus.APPROVED );


Recovering the main block of a page content

The following example shows how to recover the root block of a page. By using this block, or any other tree element, you may achieve treatments such as:

  • the add or the construction of components or sub-blocks;
  • the hide of tree elements.
public void page_getPageContentBlock( ISiteModule siteModule, IContext context, ISite site ) throws SiteModuleException {
    IContent content = null;

    // retrieving the main block of a version
    IBlock block = content.getBlock();
    System.out.println( content.getOwner().getFullName() );

Adding components to a page block

From an extension page, you may add components dynamically. This example shows how to use “the components work” to add a title level 1 to the page root block.

public void page_completeBlockWithComponents( ISiteModule siteModule, IContext context, ISite site ) throws SiteModuleException {
    // recover the page version
    IContent content = null;

    // use the components work to get a title component
    HeadingComponent headingComponent = siteModule.getComponentsFactory().newHeadingComponent();
    headingComponent.setContent( "Hello everyone!!!" );
    headingComponent.setLevel( "1" );

    // add the component to the main block of the page
    content.getBlock().addComponent( headingComponent );

Adding blocks to a page block

From an extension page, you may add blocks and sub-blocks dynamically. This example shows how to use “the components work” to add a site form to the page root block.

public void page_completeBlockWithBlocks( ISiteModule siteModule, IContext context, ISite site ) throws SiteModuleException {
    // recover the page version
    IContent content = null;

    // use the blocks work to get a form-type block
    FormBlock formBlock = siteModule.getBlocksFactory().newFormBlock();
    formBlock.setName( "frmContacts" );
    formBlock.setLabel( "Les contacts" );

    // create a fields block
    FieldsetBlock fieldsetBlock = siteModule.getBlocksFactory().newFieldsetBlock();

    // create two text-type fields
    TextInputComponent firstName = siteModule.getComponentsFactory().newTextInputComponent();
    firstName.setLabel( "First name" );
    firstName.setName( "fldFirstName" );

    TextInputComponent lastName = siteModule.getComponentsFactory().newTextInputComponent();
    lastName.setLabel( "Last name" );
    lastName.setName( "fldLastName" );

    // add the fields to the block
    fieldsetBlock.addComponent( firstName );
    fieldsetBlock.addComponent( lastName );

    // create two form validation buttons
    ButtonInputComponent createButton = siteModule.getComponentsFactory().newButtonInputComponent();
    createButton.setLabel( "Create" );
    createButton.setValue( "type", ButtonInputComponent.Action.SAVEANDCLOSE );

    ButtonInputComponent resetButton = siteModule.getComponentsFactory().newButtonInputComponent();
    resetButton.setLabel( "Reset" );
    resetButton.setValue( "type", ButtonInputComponent.Action.RESET );

    // add the fields block to the form
    formBlock.addBlock( fieldsetBlock );

    // add the buttons to the form block
    formBlock.addComponent( createButton );
    formBlock.addComponent( resetButton );

    // add the form block to the main block of the page
    content.getBlock().addBlock( formBlock );

    // save the modifications (transactional context needed) context );