Library management

Since Process18.0.0, the configurator can delete add-ons and empty apps. To do this, you need to release an empty version of your apps or add-ons. You must add to your zip file an empty file named ’toBeRemoved’ at the root of the zip.

If you want to clean the packager value of the database_parameter table, add the following packaging file to your project. Replace PACKAGING_APPS_NAME by the name declared on your previous packaging file.

You can also add any other extension in the startup section. Extensions will be launch only 1 time at the next start.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


		<extension name="com.axemble.vdoc.update.startup.CleanPackagingDatabaseParameterExtension" runOnce="false">
			<param name="packagingName" value="PACKAGING_APPS_NAME"/>