Deploy a plugin


The deployment of a plugin consists in registering:

  • the class library (JAR) in default/lib of the server;
  • and the definition and translation files in the folder storage/custom/plugins/project/plugin.


The plugins are settable at two places:

  • the site administration : configuration of the root plugin;
  • and the animation space:configuration of the instance plugin.

Configuration from the website administration

A new plugin must be added in the website administration to be configured and also made visible in the animation space.

For this, go in the “plugins” tab and click the button Add. A creation wizard of new plugin displays the list of plugins deployed on the server. Select your plugin and follow the wizard steps.

Once the plugin referenced on the site, it can be configured by editing its properties. This configuration will be global for every plugin instance (be administrated from the animation space)

Configuration from the website animation space

To benefit from the plugin functional and to configure it, it is necessary to create a plugin instance in the animation space. The plugin instance may be placed at the website root or under a wanted category.

To create a plugin instance, you just have to click the button Add. A wizard displays the list of plugins which have been available from the administration. Select your plugin and follow the wizard steps.

Once the plugin instance is created,it can be configured by editing its properties.

On a same website, several plugin instances may be added. Each plugin instance can be differently defined with different page names and different graphical renders.