Workplace 12.0

Component easysite change

The easysite component responsive.components.image previously provided by the responsive-ezs add-on will now be provided by process and has changed its name to responsive.components.imageResponsive

XtendedSearch changes

Deprecating SVN Indexing Classes

The classes com.axemble.axvdocsearch.extensions.implementation.IIndexExtension.SVNIndexExtension and com.axemble.axvdocsearch.extensions.base.implementation.BaseSVNIndexExtension as well as the dependence on the library org.tmatesoft.svnkit:svnkit have been deleted.

IIndexController interface

Changes have been made in the interface com.axemble.axvdocsearch.core.controllers.interfaces.IIndexController.

Externalization of IndexCustomTag and IndexType enumerations

They take place in the package com.axemble.axvdocsearch.core.controllers.enums.

Deleting constants “INDEX_TAG_*”.

Use com.axemble.axvdocsearch.core.controllers.enums.IndexCustomTag enumeration instead.

Deleting constants “INDEX_TYPE_*”.

Use com.axemble.axvdocsearch.core.controllers.enums.IndexType enumeration instead.

Change of method “indexValue(…)” signature

The index type is now a value from the IndexType enumeration rather than an int.

Old signature:

public abstract void indexValue(Object indexDocument, String tagName, int tagType, Object value, boolean eraseExistingValue, String concatString, boolean analyze) throws Exception;

New signature:

public abstract void indexValue(Object indexDocument, String tagName, IndexType indexType, Object value, boolean eraseExistingValue, String concatString, boolean analyze) throws Exception;

Object Column

The “type” attribute is now a value of the IndexType enumeration rather than an int in the class com.axemble.axvdocsearch.core.beans.Column.

Object CustomTag

The “type” attribute is now a value of the IndexType enumeration rather than an int in the class com.axemble.axvdocsearch.core.beans.CustomTag.

Object Filter

The “type” attribute is now a value of the IndexType enumeration rather than an int in the class com.axemble.axvdocsearch.core.beans.Filter.

Behavior of limits on searches by date

Previously the search engine changed the dates on the upper bounds to include today’s results. This behavior was poorly implemented and added 23:59.59 to all upper bounds. A search with time found itself distorted by one day.

There were also time zone issues.

In our new version, the engine no longer modifies dates and it is up to the caller to provide a date with a correct time. We have made this change to search custum tags.

If you have searches with dates configured by xmls or by extensions, this change may impact them.