

It’s an add-on without specificities.


the variable [VDOC_HOME]

for version 1.9 and above

Just update the parameter’s value of vdocHome, bookmarks [VDOC_HOME] are automatically replaced.

<param name="vdocHome" value="D:\Instances\VDocPlatform" />

for version 1.8 and earlier

Replace [VDOC_HOME] by the path of your Process instance.

Remove/Add classpath

This action consists of adding specifics jar to generate your report (BIRT extensions…).


The parameter’s name contains one number, the order starting from 0 and sequential without interruption must be respected.

<!-- additionnal jars in classpath -->
<param name="classpath0" value="[VDOC_HOME]\JBoss\server\all\deploy\vdoc.ear\lib\" />

Remove/Add JDBC drivers

The jdbc drivers are managed differently than others jars (technical constraint of Birt), so they have a special treatment. You have to know the path to the jdbc jar (SQLServer and MySQL are provided in example)


[VDOC_HOME], [BIRT_HOME] will be automatically replaced by the birtHome’s value.

<param name="jdbcPath" value="[BIRT_HOME]\plugins\org.eclipse.birt.report.data.oda.jdbc_2.5.1.v20090821\drivers" />
<!-- drivers jdbc -->
<param name="jdbc0" value="[VDOC_HOME]\JBoss\server\all\deploy\vdoc.ear\lib\jtds-1.2.4.jar" />
<param name="jdbc1" value="[VDOC_HOME]\JBoss\server\all\deploy\vdoc.ear\lib\mysql-connector-java-5.1.15.jar" />

This is the minimal configuration, the rest don’t need to be modify for this to work.

Configuring the birt server for debug

This configuration takes back parameters from the JVM.

<!-- debug configuration -->
<param name="debug" value="false" /> <!-- enabe JVM remote debug -->
<param name="debug_port" value="9000" /> <!-- the remote debug port -->
<param name="debug_suspend" value="n" /> <!-- turn to 'y' if you need stop server at startup else 'n' -->