Mail utils

The IMailUtils help to manage mails.

Mail templates

Since Process2024.1.0 Process integrates an email template management system in the “Platform management” application.

A utility class allows you to manipulate these templates by calling the SDKFactory.


Bookmark Description
${iUser} The full name of the user who will receive the mail
${link} The link used by the mail’s button (if the button is used)
${directLinkLabel} The label used under the button to introduce the direct link
${details} A custom section to display some details (usually in a grey section)
${serverBaseURL} The server base URL
${subject} The mail’s subject, loaded in the template
${content} The mail’s content, loaded in the template
${logo} The logo’s link, loaded in the template
${primaryColor} The main color, loaded in the template
${linkLabel} The button’s label, loaded in the template
${footerText} The footer’s text, loaded in the template


Find a template

    import com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.SDKFactory;

public class MyClass {
    private void myFunction() {
        IResource myMailTemplate = SDKFactory.UTILS.getMailUtils().retrieveMailTemplateFromReference(myContext, "my_template_reference");

Build a mail from a template

    import com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.SDKFactory;
import com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.system.mail.beans.IMailTemplate;

public class MyClass {
    private void myFunction(IResource myMailTemplate) {
        // Parameters to replace the bookmarks
        Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
        parameters.put("iUser", "myUserName");
        IMailTemplate mailTemplate = SDKFactory.UTILS.getMailUtils().buildMailTemplate("fr", myMailTemplate, parameters);
        // You can get the full email content with mailTemplate.getFullMail();