Tasks around the application

Using the configurations

VDoc lets the integrators to define the parameters for the specific development on the server, organization or application levels.

public void catalog_useConfiguration( ICatalog catalog )
        // retrieving the configuration from an application
        IConfiguration configuration = catalog.getConfiguration();

Recovering the server settings

From a configuration object, you may recover the standard parameters by using the methods getProperty() or getProperties().

The interface com.axemble.vdp.configuration.interfaces.ConfigurationParameters defines a certain number of key words that permits to retrieve server information.

List of available key words:

Key word Description
SMTP_ENCODING Encoding used by the SMTP server
MAIL_BASE_URL Base URL for the links contained in the e-mails
MAX_FILE_SIZE File maximum size
SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES Supported languages
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE Default language
ADMIN_EMAIL Messaging address of the administrator account
DEFAULT_EMAIL_SENDER Messaging address of the default sender account
SUPPORTED_FILE_EXTENSIONS File extensions supported by the downloading
XLS_DATE_FORMAT Date format for Excel documents
DEFAULT_MIN_DATE Date fields minimum limit
DEFAULT_MAX_DATE Date fields maximum limit

The following example indicates how to recover, from the server parameters,the default sender messaging address.

public void catalog_getProperty( IConfiguration configuration )
        // retrieving the default sender
        String emailSender = configuration.getProperty( ConfigurationParameters.DEFAULT_EMAIL_SENDER );

        System.out.println( "Default email sender" + defaultEmailSender );

Recovering the user settings

From a configuration object, you may recover the "user" parameters by using the methods getUserProperty() or getUserProperties().

public void catalog_getUserProperty( IConfiguration configuration )
        // retrieving the user parameters
        String anyParameterValue = configuration.getUserProperty( "any.parameter" );
        String anotherParameterValue = configuration.getUserProperty( "another.parameter" );

        System.out.println( "any.parameter : " + anyParameterValue );
        System.out.println( "another.parameter : " + anotherParameterValue );

Recovering the application roles

From a ICatalog object, you may recover a role or every roles of an application.

public void catalog_useRoles( ICatalog catalog )
        // retrieving the group of roles from an application
        Collection roles = catalog.getRoles();
        for ( Iterator iterRole = roles.iterator() ; iterRole.hasNext() ; )
                IRole role = (IRole)iterRole.next();
                System.out.println( role.getLabel() + " [" + role.getName() + "]" );

Recovering the application lists

From a ICatalog object, you may recover the lists of an application.

public void catalog_useLists( ICatalog catalog )
        // retrieving the group of lists from an application
        Collection lists = catalog.getLists();
        for ( Iterator iterList = lists.iterator() ; iterList.hasNext() ; )
                IList list = (IList)iterList.next();
                if ( list instanceof IStringList )
                        IStringList stringList = (IStringList)list;
                        System.out.println( stringList.getLabel() + " [" + stringList.getName() + "]" );
                        for ( Iterator iterValue = stringList.getValues().iterator() ; iterValue.hasNext() ; )
                                String stringListElement = (String)iterValue.next();
                                System.out.println( stringListElement );
                else if ( list instanceof IXmlList )

Recovering a process version

From a ICatalog object, you may recover every process versions. The following example shows how to recover a particular version from its system name.

public void catalog_getWorkflow( IContext context, IWorkflowModule workflowModule, ICatalog catalog ) throws WorkflowModuleException
        IWorkflow workflow = workflowModule.getWorkflow( context, catalog, "documentManagement_1.0" );