Some definitions

Classes diagram

This classes diagram represents the main relations that exist between every classes of the publication system.

Library overview

Table of elements correspondence

Functional term Technical term SDK term JDO term Description
Documents library ContentStore ILibrary DataStore Disk space enabling to store all the documents published in FileCenter. Several libraries may exist on a same server.
Document type Document type IResourceDefinition DocumentDefinition Definition element of a FileCenter document It describes,via its properties,what the document would have as values in its document sheet.
Properties, document attributes Properties IProperty. PropertyDefinition Definition element of a property (type, default value, values list)
Category Category ICategory CategoryNode Recursive element linked to folders or documents
Folder,order Folder IFolder FolderNode FileCenter documents container Element controlled by the security
Document File IFile DocumentNode Document containing the document sheet and one or several attached files.
Attached file Attached file IAttachment ContentNode The document attached file.