A website may be created only inside an organization. Nevertheless, the « createSite » method builds and assigns to the website a document space that groups every images and files.
public void server_createSite( ISiteModule siteModule, IContext context ) throws SiteModuleException { // site creation IOrganization organization = null; ISite site = siteModule.createSite( context, organization, "test-site" ); // creation of a site by specifying the library to use ILibrary library = null; site = siteModule.createSite( context, library, "test-site" ); }
The site is recovered by using its system name.
public void server_getSite( ISiteModule siteModule, IContext context ) throws SiteModuleException { // site recovering ISite site = siteModule.getSiteByName( context, "test-site" ); System.out.println( site.getName() ); }
The site may be deleted in two ways:
public void server_deleteSite( ISiteModule siteModule, IContext context ) throws SiteModuleException { // site recovering ISite site = siteModule.getSiteByName( context, "test-site" ); // 1st case: definitive deletion of the complete site site.delete( context ); // 2nd case: deletion of the site but keeping of the assigned document space site.delete( context, false ); }