Bundles tasks

Creating a Bundle from a Bundle Template

Example of creating a bundle from a bundle template Several cases are displayed in this example:

  • default creation;
  • creation by specifying the destination folder;
  • creation by specifying the linked data.
    public void document_createBundle( IDocumentManagementModule module, IContext context, IBundleDefinition bundleDefinition ) throws Exception 
            // creating a bundle by using the bundle setting 
            IBundle bundle = module.CreateBundleByBundleDefinition( context, bundleDefinition, "reference", "title" ); 
            // creating a bundle by using the bundle setting and specifying the location in the folders 
            IFolder folder = module.GetFolderByName( context, module.getRootFolder(), "Folder SDK" ); 
            IBundle folderBundle = module.CreateBundleIntoFolder( context, bundleDefinition, "reference", "title", folder ); 
            // creating a bundle by using the bundle setting and specifying the location in data
            ISimpleDataForm form = module.GetSimpleDataFormByName( module.getRootDataForm(), "Form SDK" ); 
            IDataUnit dataUnit = module.CreateDataUnit( form ); 
            IBundle dataBundle = module.CreateBundleIntoDataUnit( context, bundleDefinition, "reference", "title", dataUnit ); 
            // creating a bundle by specifying the locations in the folders and the data 
            folder = module.getRootFolder().GetFolder( "Folder SDK" ); 
            form = module.GetSimpleDataFormByName( module.getRootDataForm(), "Form SDK" ); 
            dataUnit = module.CreateDataUnit( (ISimpleDataForm)form ); 
            IBundle folderAndDataBundle = module.CreateBundle( context, bundleDefinition, "reference", "title", folder, dataUnit ); 
            // positioning the bundle version number 
            bundle.getVersion().setVersion( "1.0" ); 
            // how about the bundle creation 
            bundle.getVersion().setComment( "Creation of a bundle via the SDK VDoc" ); 
            IResource resource = bundle.getVersion().getResource(); 
            // boolean-type value resource.SetValueAsBool( "Boolean", true ); 
            // date-type value resource.SetValueAsDate( "DateTime", new Date() ); 
            resource.SetValueAsDate( "SmallDateTime", new Date() ); 
            // single list-type value resource.SetValueAsString( "List selector", "A1" ); 
            // A1, being part of the list resource.SetValueAsString( "List simple", "AZERTY" ); 
            // AZERTY, being part of the list 
            // multiple list-type value _OptionCollection arr = module.CreateCollection(); 
            arr.Add( "BB" ); 
            arr.Add( "CC" ); 
            // BB and CC, both belonging to the list 
            resource.SetValueAsCollection( "List multiple", arr );
             arr = module.CreateCollection(); arr.Add( "B1" ); 
             arr.Add( "B2" ); 
             arr.Add( "B3" ); 
             // B1, B2 and B3,the three belonging to the list resource.SetValueAsCollection( "List selector multiple", arr ); 

Creating a new bundle

Example of creating a new bundle.

public void document_createNewBundle( IDocumentManagementModule module, IContext context, IBundle bundle ) throws Exception 
        IBundle newBundle = module.CreateNewBundle( context, bundle, bundle.getVersion().getReference(), bundle.getVersion().getTitle(), "how for the new version." ); 
        IVersion version = newBundle.getVersion(); 
        IResource resource = version.getResource(); resource.Save(); 
        LOGGER.info( "version:" + resource.getId().getAsString() + ", reference:" + version.getReference() + ", title:" + version.getTitle() + ", version:" + version.getVersion() + ", how:" + version.getComment() ); 

Browsing the bundle content

Example of browsing the bundle content

public void document_getBundleContent( IDocumentManagementModule module, IContext context, IBundle bundle ) throws Exception 
        // recovering the bundle elements in the form of versions 
        _VersionCollection elements = bundle.getElements(); 
        for ( int index = 0 ; index < elements.getCount() ; 
        index++ ) 
                IVersion element = elements.getItem( index ); 
                // checking the element type if ( element.getIsBundle() ) 
                        // recovering the bundle 
                        IBundle childBundle = element.getBundle(); 
                        // recovering the bundle version 
                        IVersion childVersion = childBundle.getVersion(); 
                        // recovering the resource associated to the version 
                        IResource childResource = childVersion.getResource(); 
                        LOGGER.info( "bundle:" + childResource.getId().getAsString() + ", reference:" + element.getReference() + ", title:" + element.getTitle() + ", version:" + element.getVersion() + ", version:" + element.getComment() ); 
                        // recovering the resource associated to the element 
                        IResource resource = element.getResource(); 
                        LOGGER.info( "version:" + resource.getId().getAsString() + ", reference:" + element.getReference() + ", title:" + element.getTitle() + ", version:" + element.getVersion() + ", version:" + element.getComment() ); 

Browsing the bundles at the server root

Retrieving all the bundles at the server root. The example presents the class _BundleCollection.

public void document_getBundles( IDocumentManagementModule module, IContext context ) throws Exception 
        // recovering every bundles 
        _BundleCollection bundles = module.GetBundles( context ); 
        for ( int index = 0 ; index < bundles.getCount() ; index++ ) 
                IBundle bundle = bundles.getItem( index ); 
                // retrieving the associated version 
                IVersion version = bundle.getVersion(); 
                // recovering the resource associated to the version 
                IResource resource = version.getResource(); 
                LOGGER.info( "bundle:" + resource.getId().getAsString() + ", reference:" + version.getReference() + ", title:" + version.getTitle() + ", version:" + version.getVersion() + ", comment:" + version.getComment() ); 

Browsing the bundles

Retrieving all the bundles at the server root. The example presents the class _BundleCollection.

public void document_getChildBundles( IDocumentManagementModule module, IContext context, IBundle bundle ) throws Exception 
        // retrieving the sub-bundles 
        _BundleCollection bundles = module.GetChildBundles( context, bundle ); 
        for ( int index = 0 ; index < bundles.getCount() ; index++ ) 
                IBundle child = bundles.getItem( index ); 
                // recovering the version associated to the sub-bundle 
                IVersion version = child.getVersion();
                // recovering the resource associated to the version 
                IResource resource = version.getResource(); 
                LOGGER.info( "bundle:" + resource.getId().getAsString() + ", reference:" + version.getReference() + ", title:" + version.getTitle() + ", version:" + version.getVersion() + ", comment:" + version.getComment() ); 