The treatment connectors framework allows developers to create their own connectors.
The framework gives a standard way of defining :
A connector is a package of several connectors (treatments or services). Any connector included in this package use the same type of connection.
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A connector is defined with the following attributes:
Treatment connectors are part of the treatment elements available on the diagram library. They can be added to a diagram in a same way as the standard treatments (Field modifier, Role modifier, State modifier or Script).
The XML treatment connector definition file should be deployed on the custom/connectors folder. Its name must be unique on the VDoc server. To prevent name conflicts it is recommended to use the following template: companyName-connectorsType.xml (e.i. vdoc-education.xml). This XML definition file provides all the necessary information to describe a treatment connector:
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A runtime class is a Java class which will be called by the framework when a user changes the state of a process document. A runtime class must extend the com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.connectors.BaseTreatmentConnector class.
By creating a treatment connector runtime class you need to implement the following method:
Three other methods could be overridden:
A runtime class is declared as follow:
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This section allows developers to specify all necessary icons to be used within the diagram editor. Only two sizes are used at the moment :
Be aware, if none icon is specified, default icons will be displayed by the Studio.
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The configuration definition allows developers to specify a list of <field> tags the designer could use to properly configure a treatment connector. These fields can be categorized into <section> tags. To make the configuration more dynamic an editor class could be specified.
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The Studio makes some of its screen parts available for including new features (workflow library). The <entry-points> tag allows developers to specify where a treatment will be included and how it will be categories within a specific screen part.
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An editor class is a Java class which allows developers to produce dynamic behaviors on the treatment connector configuration properties (XML definition file). An editor class must extend the com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.connectors.BaseConnectionEditor class.
The editor class works in the same way as the document or resource extensions. You can override the following standard methods:
Specifically to treatment connector editor class, the connector Framework provides the following methods:
An editor class is declared as follow:
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In order to localize the configuration and the error messages of the treatment to different languages, you should always specify each string as a resource. The XML resource file should be deployed on the custom/internationalization folder. Its name must be unique on the VDoc server. To prevent name conflicts it is recommended to use the following template: companyName-connectionType-resources.xml (e.i. vdoc-education-resources.xml). This file must contain every string used for the treatment.
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