Adding new screens

To add a screen in the VDoc navigation, you just have to create a XML definition file in the folder WEB-INF/storage/custom/navigation. This file must have the same structure than the XML definition file of the standard screens.

Example of screens customization file structure

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 
<definition name="VDoc - Custom"> 

Once the structure is set, you just have to define the new screens by placing it under the tag screens.

Example of two news screens definition

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> 
<definition name="VDoc - Custom"> 
                <form name="DEMO" action="action1" label="LG_VIEW_PROP" information="LG_PUT_VIEW_INFO" provider=""> 
                                <field name="fldLabel1" label="LG_LABEL1" ctrl="com.axemble.vdp.ui.core.document.fields.TextBoxField" mandatory="true" /> 
                                <field name="fldLabel2" label="LG_LABEL2" ctrl="com.axemble.vdp.ui.core.document.fields.TextBoxField" mandatory="false" /> 
                <sheet name="DEMO" action="action2" label="LG_VIEW_PROP" information="LG_PUT_VIEW_INFO" provider=""> 
                                <page name="page1" label="LG_PAGE1" information="*** information 1 ***" default="true"> 
                                                <field name="fldLabel1" label="LG_LABEL1" ctrl="com.axemble.vdp.ui.core.document.fields.TextBoxField" mandatory="false" /> 
                                <page name="page2" label="LG_PAGE2" information="*** information 2 ***"> 
                                                <field name="fldLabel2" label="LG_LABEL2" ctrl="com.axemble.vdp.ui.core.document.fields.TextBoxField" mandatory="true" /> 

The following points are addressed here :