VDoc groups a set of work-based services split in a n-tier architecture. It uses and extends some services offered by the J2EE framework mainly based on the servlets containers, portlets and of EJB (Enterprise Java Bean).
VDoc restrictively uses the selected "Open Source" technologies to meet specific requirements:
VDoc originally integrate all the services linked to the directory and the portal: authentication, LDAP and Excel import and export, Portlets, skins.
The Process module has a mini directory for internal purposes. We will have the chance to handle objects of both directories in the following chapters.
The following diagram shows the different entry points for the VDoc application and enables to view the several existing layers. image to come
The VDoc suite presents several API formats which enable the developers to add some features, to integrate the product to other systems, or even to make the documents more dynamic.
Set of classes enabling the creation of new graphical interface based on standard templates screens. The whole graphical part is contained in the project VDocUINavigation.jar
This layer represents the graphical interface framework used in several VDoc modules. It is fully described by XML files. Indeed, these files list the following elements:
This layer is also used to ease screens creation.