Operating on the process document

The VDoc development kit provides,through the process document extension class,events on the delegation.

By defining a document-type extension class,it is possible to react on the following events:

Event Description
onBeforeDelegate Enables to control the display of the process document delegation wizard.
onAfterDelegate Enables to process code once the delegation on the document is done.
onBeforeDelegateTaskOnly Enables to control the display of the task delegation wizard.
onAfterDelegateTaskOnly Enables to process code once the delegation on the task is done.
onBeforeRefuseDelegation Enables to control the display of the refusing delegation wizard.
onAfterRefuseDelegation Enables to process code once the delegation has been refused.
onBeforeCancelDelegation Enables to control the display of the canceling delegation wizard.
onAfterCancelDelegation Enables to process code once the delegation has been canceled.