page copied from the workflow chapter
When a data stockroom is created, several elements are implanted in the VDoc database. From these definition elements we will keep the following:
Diagram of definition elements classes
This classes diagram represents the main relations that exist between every classes of the process system.
Table of definition elements correspondence
Functional term | Technical term | SDK term | EJB term (prefix:ejb/com/axemble/vdp/) | Description |
Application | Catalog | ICatalog | Catalog | An application is a group of processes and associated documents. |
Resource template | Resource template | IResourceDefinition | Resource template |
When a document is creating, several elements are registered in the database. Among these elements we will keep the following:
Diagram of dynamic elements classes
Table of dynamic elements correspondence
Functional term | Technical term | SDK term | EJB term (prefix:ejb/com/axemble/vdp/) | Description |
Resource | Resource | IResource | Resource | The term "Resource" represents the data container. It lets you store all the user data. |
Request,Document | Treatment | IWorkflowInstance | Treatment | The notion of document has changed a lot in VDoc. It defines a resource and the set of associated treatments and sub-treatments. |
Table line | Internal resource | ILinkedResource | Resource | This resource represents a resource type dynamic table line. |
Task to process | Activity, manual activity | ITaskInstance | Activity, manual activity | An activity represents an operation to be performed by a person or a program.A manual activity can be of two kind: Action or Decision. |
Attachment,file | File wrapper | IAttachment | Structure FileInfo or TempUploadFile | Attached file description in the document via a attachment field. |
Task to process | User activity | IOperator | UsersActivity | This is an association between a person and a manual activity. There should be as many users created as potential contributors determined for a task. |
Linked requests,linked documents,sub-processes | Linked treatment | IWorkflowInstance | Treatment | This treatment represents a treatment type dynamic table line. |