Some definitions

page copied from the workflow chapter

Definition elements

When a data stockroom is created, several elements are implanted in the VDoc database. From these definition elements we will keep the following:

  • ICatalog :corresponds to the application;
  • IResourceDefinition: it groups all the properties (tasks and document fields) defined in the process via the web designer;
  • IProperty: description of a process field;

Diagram of definition elements classes

This classes diagram represents the main relations that exist between every classes of the process system.

Definition element classes

Table of definition elements correspondence

Functional term Technical term SDK term EJB term (prefix:ejb/com/axemble/vdp/) Description
Application Catalog ICatalog Catalog An application is a group of processes and associated documents.
Resource template Resource template IResourceDefinition Resource template

Dynamic elements

When a document is creating, several elements are registered in the database. Among these elements we will keep the following:

  • IResource: interface representing the document data and from which it is possible to change the fields values;
  • IWorkflowInstance: interface branching off the interface IResource enabling to manage the document lifecycle (state change);
  • ILinkedResource: interface representing the data of a dynamic table row;
  • ITaskInstance: interface representing an active task on which some opertaors may intervene;
  • IAttachment: interface enabling to handle attachment-type fields;

Diagram of dynamic elements classes

Dynamic element classes

Table of dynamic elements correspondence

Functional term Technical term SDK term EJB term (prefix:ejb/com/axemble/vdp/) Description
Resource Resource IResource Resource The term "Resource" represents the data container. It lets you store all the user data.
Request,Document Treatment IWorkflowInstance Treatment The notion of document has changed a lot in VDoc. It defines a resource and the set of associated treatments and sub-treatments.
Table line Internal resource ILinkedResource Resource This resource represents a resource type dynamic table line.
Task to process Activity, manual activity ITaskInstance Activity, manual activity An activity represents an operation to be performed by a person or a program.A manual activity can be of two kind: Action or Decision.
Attachment,file File wrapper IAttachment Structure FileInfo or TempUploadFile Attached file description in the document via a attachment field.
Task to process User activity IOperator UsersActivity This is an association between a person and a manual activity. There should be as many users created as potential contributors determined for a task.
Linked requests,linked documents,sub-processes Linked treatment IWorkflowInstance Treatment This treatment represents a treatment type dynamic table line.