Plugin framework

The VDoc development kit provides a framework for the function improvement of a website: the plugin framework.

Plugins are unit software components which are integrated in the site architecture. They can be activated in the administration and configured in the site animation space.

By using the full navigation and API framework, plugins let you implement new features beyond the functional offered by the product VDoc.

The plugins framework enables:

  • to display data from external systems;
  • to order and to display information in several contents: list,view,menu,render mask;
  • to create a render mask in the dynamic page form;
  • to position bookmarks on the render masks;
  • to integrate information accessible from the site search module;
  • to package your plugin composed of a certain number of elements: VDoc screens, configuration, business rules on pages, used classes.

As the components, a Plugin is composed at least of the following elements:

  • Definition: plugin XML description;
  • Translation file: translation XML file of the character strings;
  • Controller: events render management;
  • Section provider: management of the plugin using scope;
  • Render mode: render mask created in the page form.

Every files assigned to a plugin should be placed under the WEB-INF/storage/custom/plugins/project/plugin root.

The following points are addressed here: