All Classes and Interfaces
an abstract convert strategy than hold a convertable
Created by omassol on 11/08/2017.
Created by omassol on 11/08/2017.
Created by omassol on 19/05/2017.
This class is the abstract class for authentication extensions
class allows to interact with a browsable view template.This base connection class.
This base connector class.
class allows to interact with a content template.Deprecated.
Use triggers instead
This base class provides direct access to the SDK API.
Base trigger for events (no object involved)
This base class provides direct access to the SDK API.
class allows to interact with a simple form template.Base class for formulas functions
class allows to interact with a group template.Classe permettant d'exécuter des migrations à l'import
This base class provides direct access to the SDK API.
class provides direct access to the SDK API.The
class provides direct access to the SDK API.The
class allows to create any screen either from a HTML template
or by using standard components.This base class is used for resource template extensions
This base class provides direct access to the SDK API.
class allows to interact with a section template.This base connector class associated with a service.
class allows to interact with a tabbed form template.This base class provides direct access to the SDK API.
Provider des launcher des explorer dans le studio
Ce provider permet de gérer le fil d'ariane dans les explorer du studio
This class can be extended to handle package target
This class can be extended to create packaging classes that will be run on fresh install or migration
Classe des tools du studio:
Ce tool gère le fil d'ariane
This base connector class associated with a treatment.
class allows to override the behavior of a view.The
class allows to interact with view template.The
class allows to interact with a wizard template.This base class provides direct access to the SDK API.
Use to create password configuration builder
Composant de paramétrage dynamique
All available field keys
customOption :
selector : CustomSelectionComponent.FieldTypeKeys.SELECTOR_KEY
field : CustomSelectionComponent.FieldTypeKeys.FIELD_KEY
customValue : CustomSelectionComponent.FieldTypeKeys.CUSTOM_VALUE_KEY
customList : CustomSelectionComponent.FieldTypeKeys.CUSTOM_LIST_KEY
Default mail extension for password management
The different container
The different level of error
Simple structure representing the dimension of an object.
The IDirectoryModule implementation
Results of an access check on discussion messages
Created by omassol on 19/05/2017.
Usage: (note: default values are in first position)
invalid input: '<'field
name = "?" - name of the IAbstractField, ex: fldMode
label = "?" - label of the control, ex: LG_TEXT
ctrl = "com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.document.fields.EnhancedUrlField"
mode = "write" | "read" - set editable or not
mandatory = "false" | "true" - set mandatory or not
throw-events = "false" | "true" - throw events from the webbrowser when the control change
show-url = "false" | "true" - display or not the URL textbox
show-title = "false" | "true" - display or not the TITLE textbox
show-params = "false" | "true" - display or not the PARAM textbox
show-description = "false" | "true" - display or not the DESCRIPTION textbox
params = "width, height, resizable, scrollbars, status, toolbar" ("0" | "1") - set the field parameters
Field Type: java.lang.String
Event Controller
Event Exception
This structure will store an external object key and label
Exception indicating that a suitable extractor was not found for the content type.
Easysite site module
Generic view extension to format float, bigdecimal or double number
Configuration :
Examples :
Nom du tag | Attribut | Utilité
Pragma | no-cache | Empêche le navigateur de garder la page dans son cache
Refresh | x; URL="adresse" | Appelle une autre page (située à l'URL spécifiée) après un délai d'attente de x secondes.
Nom du tag | Attribut | Utilité
Author | "Informations sur l'auteur" | Informations sur l'auteur de la page
Copyright | "Informations de copyright" | Permet de référencer des informations de droits d'auteur
Description | "Description de votre site" | Permet de donner une information à afficher lors du résultat d'une recherche.
Mutual interface to normal and delegated intervention notification data
The IAction interface represents a workflow action which can be executed by a physical person.
Interface for an action manual task
This class allows to manipulate scheduled tasks.
All execution states.
Standard agent interface
The following method is available:
- execute(IAgentProcessingContext executionContext)
Use IAgentProcessingContext to manipulate module, agent, configuration or report
Interface of the agent processing context
This object carries the information related to the execution context of the
The following methods are available to gets module object:
- getPortalModule() : the module to manipulate the portal system;
- getDirectoryModule() : the module to manipulate the directory system;
- getProjectModule() : the module to manipulate the project system;
- getWorkflowModule() : the module to manipulate the workflow system;
The following methods are available to manipulate the agent:
- getConfiguration()
- getAgent()
- getLastRunDate()
- isAbortSignalReceived() IStoppableAgentProcessing
The following methods are available to manipulate the report:
- getReport()
- printSeparator()
- printLine()This interface represents an alias on any element.
Interface for an application manual task
The IArchivingController interface allows you to archive objects.
The IAttachment interface represents any attachment in the system.
The IAttachmentTemplate interface represents the template.
The IAttribute interface represents the directory extended attributes
It allows to manipulate attributes of directory objects such as:
, IGroup
and IUser
.The attribute support interface.
The directory module interface.
The document management module interface.
The base indexation module interface.
The library module interface.
The possible subscription frequencies.
The IPortalModule interface is the main entry point from where most of the methods to manipulate the full set of portal
objects are made available.
The base site module interface.
The IBaseWorkflowModule interface is the main entry point from where most of the methods to manipulate the full set of work-flow document
objects are made available.
This interface represents a block element.
Block interface
The block controller interface.
Base interface for block definition
This class represents a block template.
This interface represents a block template container.
This interface is intended to group workflows.
The various types of catalogs
The catalog view transformer interface.
The ICategory interface represents a category object.
This class will handle complex security for custom object (with inheritance)
This class defines a chrono used to generate sys_Reference.
Collapsable block interface
Interface to specify whether a design element support compilation process.
This interface represents a block element.
The component controller interface.
Base interface for component definition
The IConfiguration interface represents a configuration of a
object.Catalog scope keys
The common keys
Project scope keys
Server keys
Use ServerKeys instead
This class retrieves a connection from a specified external reference declared
in the administration
Systems or standards Category.
Systems or standards types.
This class represents the different status for a connector
The parent object of the service
This interface represents the base content element.
This interface represents the various status the content can have.
This interface represents a block element.
The base interface for all content component controllers.
This interface represents the base content container.
Base interface for component/block definition
The IContext interface is used on the various methods of the
object.The base interface for all controllers.
Controller gérant lui-même les problèmes d'authentification (ex mauvaise clé)
This class retrieves a connection from a specified Data source declared in JNDI
This class represents a data unit.
Interface for a decision manual task
Delegated intervention notification data interface
The IDelegationController interface allows you to either replace of delegate objects which supports delegation.
The delegation support interface.
Interface to describe the starting point of the aborting process.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe an action within a
invalid reference
Specific event types.
Interface to describe an actions container within a diagram.
Interface to describe a 'and join' object within a diagram.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe an application manual task within a diagram.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe block object.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a line object inside a table.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe block object.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a change role treatment task within a diagram.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe either a block or a component object.
The base interface of all user interface objects.
The user interface object listener interface.
All common event types.
Interface to describe a workflow task within a diagram.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a end task within a diagram.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a change field treatment task within a diagram.
Interface to describe a form.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a root object of a form.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a line object inside a table.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a link between to
objects within a diagram.Specific event types.
Interface to describe a manual task within a diagram.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a parallel object within a diagram.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a property within a
invalid reference
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a change role treatment task within a diagram.
Interface to describe a script treatment task within a diagram.
Interface to describe a simple section object.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a start task within a diagram.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a change state treatment task within a diagram.
Interface to describe a table object.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a manual task within a diagram.
Interface to describe a test within a diagram.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a treatment group task within a diagram.
Specific display mode.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a treatment task within a diagram.
Specific event types.
Interface to describe a workflow object.
specific setting workspace designer
Specific event types.
Represents a directory object (User, Organization, Localization, Group)
The directory module interface.
Allows to transform directory elements to and from XML documents.
A message in a discussion thread
The document management module interface.
Created by omassol on 28/04/2017.
The base interface of all objects.
Use this utils to encrypt and decrypt string
History Event
Builder tool used to produce Event.
The base execution context interface.
The request interface.
The IExtensionContext interface is used on the protocol URI classes to store data temporary
The context will be cleared once the treatment has ended.
The Extenal list interface
The base interface for external reference.
Base interface for component definition
The file within the library system.
Use this utils to manipulate files (extensions, mime type, ...)
The folder within the library system.
The form object.
Permet de gérer les sélections de fragments dans le formDesigner
FragmentComponent interface
Base interface for fragment definition
This class represents a generic view transformer.
The IGroup interface is part of the VDoc directory.
Interface for IMAP Attachment
Give access to :
- size
- content
- InputStream
- and name, description and type
IMAP client interface
Can :
- provide default and named folder
- move a set of message
When the client is close, expunge messages marked as delete
ANSWERED : indicate if this message has been answered
DELETED : set this flag to mark a message as deleted.
IMAP Folder interface
Can :
- check own existence and open status
- return name
- count messages
- provide list of messages
IMAP Message interface
Can :
- get data like subject, content, sender and recipient, dates, attachments
- get or set flags
The indexation module interface
This class manages indexes.
Common intervention notification data interface
use IConnectionDefinition
Implementation of this interface are looked up at application startup and used to create queue if doesnt exist and start consumers which
will process queue's messages.
LDAP connection SDK interface
The library object within the library system.
The library module interface.
A child resource within a table field
This class defines a resource definition for linked resources.
The base list interface
Type of the list
Support for multi languages labels
The ILocalization interface is part of the VDoc directory.
Interface for VDoc localization scopes
must be attached to a ILocalizationScopeInterface to locate an
object.Resource lock interface
login by sub extension
The mail form object.
This interface represents a mailing list.
This interface represents the various status the mailing list can have.
This interface represents the various types the mailing list can have.
Interface for mail template in the Platform management project
Use this utils to manipulate mails and mails' templates through Process
Interface for a manual task
This base class provides the setter and the getter of the mappingStructures of the mappingObject.
All supported data types
Mapping object type
This class allows to map an external object to a vdoc object (MappingStructure)
This base class provides the objects of the mappingObject.
Generic model interface
Persistence scopes
This message interface.
This class allows to play with messages on
invalid reference
Generic model interface
A navigation context structure
Navigation types.
Handles a UI navigator object (associated with a part)
Indexation module implementation
Give Access to index methods
Discussion message notification data interface
Represents notification data.
Represents a notification emitter for an
type.Represents a processor for an
type.Represents a notification data's recipient
Builder tool used to produce notification recipient.
Interface to allow inputs.
The IOperator interface is a user acting on a
object.Describes the various status the
can have.This class allows to associate either groups or users to
objects.The option list interface
A key, value couple object.
The IOrganization interface is part of the VDoc directory.
This class represents a page of a site.
This interface represents a page container.
Interface for password configuration
This class represents a plugin.
This class represents the configuration of a plugin.
The plugin controller interface.
The plugin request interface.
The plugin scope interface
The IPortalModule interface is the main entry point from where most of the methods to manipulate the full set of portal
objects are made available.
The portlet object.
This class allows to manipulate security profile objects.
This interface represents a project (apps).
The IBaseProjectModule interface is the main entry point from where most of the methods to manipulate VDoc applications.
Enumerates the design element names
Enumerates the linked groups
Enumerates the group
Interface to specify a
object displays properties.A property
Dynamic properties
Additional types
Display settings
Type of the field
The type of the java.util.Collection items.
Index search types
All supported types
Special properties.
System properties
A property
Available values for the collectionElementType key.
Available values for the commonElementType key.
Common values.
All available keys on a property selector.
Available values for the elementType key.
Available values for the listType key.
Available values for the proptocolUriType key.
The protocol support interface.
This recipient listener interface.
Model interface for JSP rendering
A property
A report listener : will interact on report events
A base interface for resources
This class allows to interact with the user interface.
This class defines a resource which may have several
objects.This class represents the history of a resource.
The document event structure.
The snapshot structure.
: use IOperatorRole or IProfile
Main page navigator
This class represents the configuration of a root plugin.
The base interface for scopes.
The base interface for scope containers.
This class allows to execute queries object that implements the
.This class allows to transform the result of a search operation to a XML output stream.
This class allows to check, allow or deny permissions on objects that implement
Security permission flags
Agent permission flags
Common flags
Custom flags
Database permission flags.
Table permission flags
View permission flags
Workflow catalog permission flags
Workflow container flags
Workflow instance flags
Workflow permission flags
Security permission levels
Scopes filters
Interface to describe a selection manager object.
This class represents a site.
This class retrieves a service connection
The various types of the event
Interface to specify whether a design element support service connector.
This class represents a shared block which could be included on several site pages.
This interface represents a shared block container.
This class represents a site.
The site execution context interface.
The render mode interface.
The base site module interface.
This class represents a template of a site.
Stoppable agent interface
The following method is available:
- execute(IAgentProcessingContext executionContext)
Use IAgentProcessingContext to manipulate module, agent, configuration or report
The key interface for all objects.
A resource for storage
This class defines a resource definition for storage resource.
use IOptionList/IExternalList
Mail extension used to build systems mail
This class represents the definition of a class.
Defines the treatment available types.
This class represents an activity of a
object.Created by wtoscer on 22/02/2017.
Interface for text extractor implementations.
Represents the text extractor processor used to extract text from various contents.
This class represents a topic.
The various types of topics
Allows to transform directory elements to and from XML documents.
This class allows to specify which class or interface supports trash.
This class retrieves a treatment connection
This class allows to specify which class or interface supports URI property .
The IUser interface is part of the VDoc directory.
Interface for a user's personal information
Interface for a user's professional information
Interface for a user's technical information
Validators interface
This class represents a version of a document.
A version with three indices
Available version status.
The view interface.
This class allows to create functional queries based on field values and scopes such as
, IWorkflow
and ITask
.Represent an object that can be converted to display into viewer
Convert to renderable widget
Use this utils to load the viewer in easysite context and create viewer links
This interface represents a virtual page.
Widget interface
This class represents a specific version of a process.
This class represents a set of
objects.This class represents a process document.
Available status for the workflow instance.
A message in a discussion thread linked to an IWorkflowInstance
The IWorkflowModule interface is the main entry point from where most of the methods to manipulate the full set of work-flow document
objects are made available.
This class defines a resource definition for a workflow.
use IOptionList/IExternalList
SDK access to works with JMS needs
Champ permettant d'ouvrir un autre field dans une lightbox
Noeud fils : targetField=-> définition du widget à ouvrir
Attribut : targetLabel/targetInformation titre de la fenêtre lightbox
targetClass/targetMethod pour utiliser un autre provider de lightbox
Champ multilangue qui possède 2 boutons radio permettant de saisir :
- soit directement le texte (Texte)
- soit permettant de saisir une clé de traduction (Clé de traduction)
Configuration for lost password mail
Builder for lost password configuration
Simple structure representing all addresses for a mail.
MappingObject assign values from a source object to a targt object
This class represents a simpler module factory.
This class represents the module factory.
Interface to allow connections to other object.
Created by omassol on 23/02/2017.
Simple structure representing the coordinates of an object.
Portal library (classic ILibrary implementation for Process)
Portal Library View Controller
Module fake pour gérer la sécurité sur les portlets basés sur un pm
A éviter au maximum car le pm n'est libéré que par le finalize !
Process resource controller for Process IHM manipulation
Process View Controller
Workflow instance for Process SDK
Project module implementation
A ready future who hold the result
This Module extends the SDK ProcessWorkflowModule for VDocReport specific needs
Resource controller for external IHM manipulation
and its subclasses are unchecked
exceptions.SDK Factory
Use this factory to retrieve through the constant UTILS all the utils available in sdk
In the future this factory will give access to other kind of sdk object
and its subclasses are unchecked
exceptions.Exception used if a save fails on a specific property.
Translated exception used if save fails on a Resource.
SDK Utils
Class only accessible through SDKFactory (constructor accessibility "package")
Give access to all the utils available in sdk
Interface des objets SDK qui mappent un objet natif (Domain)
Ex : ProcessWorkflowInstance
Field to select a range for a date/period field in the studio
Usage: (note: default values are in first position)
invalid input: '<'field
name = "?" - name of the IAbstractField, ex: fldMode
label = "?" - label of the control, ex: LG_TEXT
custom-widget-description = "?" - description for custom value textbox
description = "?" - description of the control, ex: LG_DESCRIPTION
ctrl = "com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.document.fields.SelectListCustomInputComponent"
mode = "write" | "read" - set editable or not
mandatory = "false" | "true" - set mandatory or not
throw-events = "false" | "true" - throw events from the webbrowser when the control change
Interface implémentée par les objets ayant des metas
Interface de manipulation de meta
Util class to deals with serializers
Factory use to get current system mail extension
TODO 2012 A supprimer
Cette classe est utilisé uniquement pour la migration en 2011
TODO 2012 A supprimer
Cette classe est utilisé uniquement pour la migration en 2011
Configuration for first password init mail
Configuration build for first password init mail
Update password configuration
Update password configuration builder
URL selector field
Allows to select a component from a plugin
abstract conversion exception
the generic conversion exception
Viewer ViewableManager Type
Load fields from the value of the first column of a view
Implementation for Workflow module
A collection of methods to deal with ZIP API.