Class BaseWorkflowExtension

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.axemble.vdp.workflow.classes.IWorkflowExtension, Serializable

public abstract class BaseWorkflowExtension extends Object implements com.axemble.vdp.workflow.classes.IWorkflowExtension, Serializable
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • LOGGER

      public static final com.axemble.vdp.utils.Logger LOGGER
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseWorkflowExtension

      public BaseWorkflowExtension()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(IResourceDefinition resourceDefinition, IWorkflow workflow)
      Specified by:
      init in interface com.axemble.vdp.workflow.classes.IWorkflowExtension
    • release

      public void release()
      Specified by:
      release in interface com.axemble.vdp.workflow.classes.IWorkflowExtension
    • onEvaluateOperators

      public List<IUser> onEvaluateOperators(ITaskInstance taskInstance, List<IUser> users)
      This method is called each time the system requires the operators of the current task instance.
      Specified by:
      onEvaluateOperators in interface com.axemble.vdp.workflow.classes.IWorkflowExtension
      taskInstance - The current task instance
      users - The list of operators to complete
    • onCreateTaskInstance

      public void onCreateTaskInstance(ITaskInstance taskInstance)
      This method is called each time a new task instance is created.
      Specified by:
      onCreateTaskInstance in interface com.axemble.vdp.workflow.classes.IWorkflowExtension
      taskInstance - The current task instance
    • onTerminateTaskInstance

      public void onTerminateTaskInstance(ITaskInstance taskInstance, String transitionName)
      This method is called each time the abort method is used.
      Specified by:
      onTerminateTaskInstance in interface com.axemble.vdp.workflow.classes.IWorkflowExtension
      workflowInstance - The workflow instance
      result - The result object
    • onAbortWorkflowInstance

      public com.axemble.vdp.runtime.classes.IResult onAbortWorkflowInstance(IWorkflowInstance workflowInstance, com.axemble.vdp.runtime.classes.IResult result)
      This method is called each time the abort method is used.
      Specified by:
      onAbortWorkflowInstance in interface com.axemble.vdp.workflow.classes.IWorkflowExtension
      workflowInstance - The workflow instance
      result - The result object
    • onRemindWorkflowInstance

      public com.axemble.vdp.runtime.classes.IResult onRemindWorkflowInstance(IWorkflowInstance workflowInstance, IUser fulfiller, com.axemble.vdp.runtime.classes.IResult result)
      This method is called each time a user sends a reminder. By setting a custom error code (result) different than 0 the reminder will be stopped.
      Specified by:
      onRemindWorkflowInstance in interface com.axemble.vdp.workflow.classes.IWorkflowExtension
      workflowInstance - The workflow instance
      fulfiller - The user requesting the remind
      result - IResult object allow to specify a custom error code with its associated message.
    • onRemoveWorkflowInstance

      public void onRemoveWorkflowInstance(IStorageKey storageKey)
      This method is called each time a user removes a workflow instance.
      Specified by:
      onRemoveWorkflowInstance in interface com.axemble.vdp.workflow.classes.IWorkflowExtension
      storageKey - The id of the removed workflow instance
    • onStartRemovingWorkflowInstance

      public void onStartRemovingWorkflowInstance(IWorkflowInstance workflowInstance, IUser fulfiller)
      This method is called each time a user removes a workflow instance.
      Specified by:
      onStartRemovingWorkflowInstance in interface com.axemble.vdp.workflow.classes.IWorkflowExtension
      workflowInstance - The workflow instance
      fulfiller - The user requesting the removal
    • onCreateEmbeddedWorkflowInstance

      public void onCreateEmbeddedWorkflowInstance(ITaskInstance parentTaskInstance, IWorkflowInstance parentWorkflowInstance, IWorkflowInstance embeddedWorkflowInstance)
      This method is called on a parent workflow before creating an embedded workflow instance.
      Specified by:
      onCreateEmbeddedWorkflowInstance in interface com.axemble.vdp.workflow.classes.IWorkflowExtension
      parentTaskInstance - The current task instance
      parentWorkflowInstance - The current workflow instance
      embeddedWorkflowInstance - The new embedded workflow instance
    • getWorkflowModule

      public IWorkflowModule getWorkflowModule()
    • getPortalModule

      public IPortalModule getPortalModule()
    • getDirectoryModule

      public IDirectoryModule getDirectoryModule()
    • getProjectModule

      public IProjectModule getProjectModule()
    • getResourceDefinition

      public IResourceDefinition getResourceDefinition()
    • getWorkflow

      public IWorkflow getWorkflow()