Deprecated API
Deprecated InterfacesInterfaceDescriptionUse ServerKeys insteaduse IConnectionDefinition: use IOperatorRole or IProfileuse IOptionList/IExternalListuse IOptionList/IExternalList
Deprecated Classes
Deprecated FieldsFieldDescriptionnot used
Deprecated MethodsMethodDescriptionuse printInfo method insteaduse getOperatorRoleuse getOperatorRolesuse getStringProperty() method instead.use getStringUserProperty() method instead.: use delegateOperatorRoles or delegateProfilesuse
.getProtocolPath() method instead.: Use thegetCurrentXml()
method.: Use thegetCurrentXml()
method.Do not use this method anymore!Do not use this method anymore!Use getList( IContext context, ILibrary library, String name ) method instead from theIBaseLibraryModule
.use addInfo method insteaduse getInfos method insteaduse isInfo method insteadUse save(IContext) method instead.use getAddressee() method instead.use addGroupuse addGroups: use addPermission( int joker, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use addPermission( IGroup group, int permissionLevel, int... flags );Use addPermission(profile, permissionLevel) instead.Use addPermission(profile, permissionLevel,flags) instead.Use addPermission(profile, securityType, permissionLevel, flags) instead.: use addPermission( IRole role, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use addPermission( IUser user, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use breakInheritance( securityType );: use checkPermission( IUser user, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use checkPermission( IUser user, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use checkPermission( IUser user, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use checkPermission( IUser user, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use checkPermission( IUser user, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use checkPermission( IUser user, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use checkPermission( IUser user, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use checkPermission( IUser user, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use removePermission( int joker, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use removePermission( IGroup group, int permissionLevel, int... flags );Use removePermission( profile ) instead.Use removePermission( profile, securityType ) instead.: use removePermission( IRole role, int permissionLevel, int... flags );: use removePermission( IUser user, int permissionLevel, int... flags );use getOperatorRole() method instead.: use resourceToXML( IResource resource, OutputStream outputStream, File attachmentsFolder, boolean includeAttachmentsContent ) method instead.: use resourceToXML( IResource resource, OutputStream outputStream, File attachmentsFolder, boolean includeAttachmentsContent ) method instead.: use resourceToXML( IResource resource, OutputStream outputStream, File attachmentsFolder, boolean includeAttachmentsContent ) method instead.: use resourceToXML( IResource resource, OutputStream outputStream, File attachmentsFolder, boolean includeAttachmentsContent ) method instead.since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().getActivationDate() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().getAddress1() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().getAddress2() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().getAssistant() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().getAvatar() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().getBirthday() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().getCity() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().getContractType() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().getCountry() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().getCreatedBy() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().getCreatedDate() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().getDescription() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().getEmployeeNumber() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().getEntry() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().getExit() instead
since = 10.0 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().getExpirationDate() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().getExpirationDate() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().getHierarchicalManager() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().getLastPasswordUpdate() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().getLastVisitedDate() method instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().getLastPasswordUpdate() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().getManager() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().getModifiedBy() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().getModifiedDate() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().getNickName() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().getSex() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().getSocialCategory() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().getUserFunction() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().getZipcode() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().isConnectionAllowed() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().isLocked() instead
use isMemberOf method withIProfile
parameter instead.since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().setActivationDate() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().setAddress1() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().setAddress2() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().setAssistant() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().setAvatar() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().setBirthday() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().setCity() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().setContractType() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().setCountry() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().setDescription() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuser IUser.getProfessionalInformation().setEmployeeNumber() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().setEntry() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().setExit() instead
since = 10.0 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().setExpirationDate() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().setExpirationDate() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().setHierarchicalManager() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().setLastVisitedDate() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().setManager() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().setNickName() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().setSex() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().setSocialCategory() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getProfessionalInformation().setUserFunction() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getPersonalInformation().setZipcode() instead
since = 2024.1 forRemoval = falseuse IUser.getTechnicalInformation().unlock() instead
Use setOrderBy instead: use unlock() method instead.: use lock() method instead.Use getActionUrl() from contextuse getExtendedAttributes method instead.use createGroup( IContext context, IOrganization organization, String name, String label ) method instead.: use createLocalization( IContext context, ILocalization localization, String name, String label ) method instead.: use createLocalization( IContext context, ILocalization localization, String label ) method instead.: use createOrganization( IContext context, IOrganization organization, String name, String label ) method instead.: use createOrganization( IContext context, String name, String label ) method instead.The system name is not unique on the server scope anymore. You should pass the parentIOrganization
object. Use the getGroup( IContext context, IOrganization organization, String name ) method instead.use getGroup( IStorageKey ) insteaduse getLocalization( IContext context, String name ) method instead.use getLocalization( IStorageKey ) instead: use getOrganization(IContext, String) method instead.use getOrganization( IStorageKey ) insteaduse getSearchController( IConnectionDefinition connectionDefinition ) method instead.use getUser( IStorageKey ) instead: use getConnectionDefinition( IContext context, String name ) method instead.: use getConnectionDefinitions( IContext context ) method instead.: use getSearchController ( IConnectionDefinition connectionDefinition) method instead.use createLibrary( IContext context, IOrganization organization, String name ) method instead.use getLibrary( IContext context, IOrganization organization, String name ) method instead.use getSearchController( IConnectionDefinition connectionDefinition ) method instead.use getViewController( IContext context ) instead.use getViewController( IContext context, InputStream inputStream ) instead.use getViewController( IContext context, Class natureClass ) instead.use getMailingList( IStorageKey key )do not usedo not use: use createCatalog( IContext context, String name, String label, IProject project ): use createOperatorRole or createProfile: use buildMailMessage( IResource resource, IMailForm mailForm, String language ): use buildMailMessage( ITaskInstance taskInstance, IMailForm mailForm, String language ): should not use this method anymore.: should not use this method anymore. The format argument is not supported.: should not use this method anymore. The format argument is not supported.: use getCatalog( IContext context, String name, IProject project ): use getCatalog( IContext context, String name, int catalogType, IProject project ): use getCatalogs( IContext context, IProject project ): use getCatalogs( IContext context, int catalogType, IProject project )use the IDirectoryModule instead.: use getConnectionDefinition( IContext context, String name ) method instead.: use getConnectionDefinitions( IContext context ) method instead.Use getOperator(IStorageKey
key ) method instead.Use getResource(IStorageKey
key ) method instead.: use getRole or getProfileuse getOperatorRole or getProfile: use getRoles or getProfilesuse getSearchController( IConnectionDefinition connectionDefinition ) method instead.Use getTaskInstance(IStorageKey
key ) method instead.Use getUser(IStorageKey
key ) method instead.: use getWorkflow( IContext context, ICatalog catalog, String name )Use getWorkflowInstance(IStorageKey
key ) method instead.use send( IContext context, IResource resource, IMailForm mailForm, Collectioninvalid input: '<'? extends IUser> mail_to, String comment )use send( IContext context, ITaskInstance taskInstance, IMailForm mailForm, Collectioninvalid input: '<'? extends IUser> mail_to, String comment )use send( IContext context, ITaskInstance taskInstance, IMailForm mailForm, Collectioninvalid input: '<'? extends IUser> mail_to, String comment )use send( IContext context, ITaskInstance taskInstance, IMailForm mailForm, Collectioninvalid input: '<'? extends IUser> mail_to, String comment )use send( IContext context, IResource resource, IMailForm mailForm, Collectioninvalid input: '<'? extends IUser> mail_to, String comment )use send( IContext context, IResource resource, IMailForm mailForm, Collectioninvalid input: '<'? extends IUser> mail_to, String comment )use send( IContext context, IResource resource, IMailForm mailForm, Collectioninvalid input: '<'? extends IUser> mail_to, String comment )use beginTransaction() method without parameter instead.use commitTransaction() method without parameter instead.Use com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.Modules.getXXXModule( Properties properties ) instead.use rollbackTransaction() method without parameter instead.Use com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.Modules.releaseModule( IModule module ) instead.override onEvaluateVariables method instead.use getExtendedAttributes insteaduse getExtendedAttributes instead
Deprecated ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionUse com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.Modules.getDirectoryModule() instead.Use com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.Modules.getPortalModule() instead.use ProcessViewController( IModule module, IContext context, IProject project, Definition definition ) instead.use ProcessViewController( IModule module, IProject project, InputStream inputStream ) instead.Use com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.Modules.getProjectModule() instead.Use com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.Modules.getWorkflowModule() instead.