Usage: (note: default values are in first position)
invalid input: '<'field
name = "?" - name of the IAbstractField, ex: fldMode
label = "?" - label of the control, ex: LG_TEXT
ctrl = "com.axemble.vdoc.sdk.document.fields.EnhancedUrlField"
mode = "write" | "read" - set editable or not
mandatory = "false" | "true" - set mandatory or not
throw-events = "false" | "true" - throw events from the webbrowser when the control change
show-url = "false" | "true" - display or not the URL textbox
show-title = "false" | "true" - display or not the TITLE textbox
show-params = "false" | "true" - display or not the PARAM textbox
show-description = "false" | "true" - display or not the DESCRIPTION textbox
params = "width, height, resizable, scrollbars, status, toolbar" ("0" | "1") - set the field parameters
Field Type: java.lang.String